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Feb 10 - Feb 24, 2014


  • Security scan analysis and resolution
    • Awaiting confirmation and feedback from the DoD security team on the Fortify scan and security report responses supplied by the CONNECT Product team
  • HIMSS Demo and Conference preparation (CONN-


  • 759)
      • This was the primary focus in Sprint 124. The team addressed all the Critical and HIgh findings from Fortify. 
      • Some of the issues identified by the Fortify scan were fixed in code and some were addressed with documentation. See wiki page with details -  Fortify Install notes
    • HIEM was removed from the codebase (CONN-771)
      • HIEM was not refactored in 4.X and also included many security vulnerabilities in code that were discovered as part of Fortify. Since there is no partner in the Exchange using HIEM this service has been removed.
    • Testing Improvements
      • <jvm-options>-Dorg.connectopensource.enablejmx=true</jvm-options> has been permanently added to domain.xml template(CONN-775)
    • Infrastructure improvements
      • Ability to tag and generate binaries from any branch specified (CONN-786) which helps simplify the release process for binaries generation. Created the necessary environments to support the HIMSS demo and work (CONN-823) 
      • Rebranded the HIE portal with the CONNECT theme to support the HIMSS demo (CONN-824)
      • Ensured all supporting applications, test data  and the CONNECT universal client were installed and ready to support the HIMSS demo 
      • Performed internal dry runs and received sign-off with ONC for conference readiness (CONN-825) 
    • Testing Improvements
      • Pulled integration tests our of the build and replaced them with JUnit tests where necessary to contribute to a more stable build (CONN-808)
        • Added JUnit tests for the mail classes for Direct/ Address Parsing package (CONN-811)
        • Added JUnit tests for mail classes for XDR package (CONN-820)
        • Added JUnit tests for mail classes for Mail package (CONN-821)
    • Infrastructure improvements
      • Infrastructure migration for Terremark (CONN-778)813)
        • Migration of the Direct RI and Mail servers
        • GFE cleanup of configurations and servers 
        • Inventory management and documentation
    • Direct functional enhancements
  • Bugs that were fixed
    • Extract slots always gets one last value from the slots list (Adapter) (CONN-484)
    • SAML Assertion AuthzDecisionStatement resource is passed from the adapters to the external parties 'as is', failing the DIL test MA-1092_AuthzDecisionStatement_Resource(CONN-612)
      • Resource will always be updated to include the URI.
    • SAML Attribute PurposeOfUse missing namespace for the @type attribute(CONN-740)


Completed Issues

KeySummaryIssue TypePriorityStatusStory Points (35)
CONN-691Default SAML Issuer value being used in all SOAP Header Security sections even though a valid X509SubjectName is defined in the private SSL certificateBugMinorCLOSED3
CONN-759As an adopter interested in interoperabilty and health data exchange, I want to see a CONNECT demo so that I understand how CONNECT is used to exchange health data and how it interacts with other supporting MPI and repository systemsUser StoryMinorCLOSED0
CONN-800Resolve known "statefulness" in unit testsBugMinorCLOSED1
CONN-804Validate the new NIST Test environment in GFE ( -
CONN-808As a CONNECT developer, I want integration tests moved out of the build (and replaced with JUnit tests when necessary) so that tests are scoped appropriately.User StoryMinorCLOSED0
CONN-810Regression suite tests for GreenmailTaskMinorCLOSED2
CONN-811Add JUnit tests for mail classes for Direct/ Address Parsing packageTaskMinorCLOSED3
CONN-813Support for GFE/TERREMARK infrastructure activities for CONNECTTaskMinorCLOSED3
CONN-816As a CONNECT adopter, I want new features and bug fixes are re-tested so that new functionality is validated prior to releaseUser StoryMinorCLOSED5
CONN-820Add JUnit tests for mail classes for XDR packageTaskMinorCLOSED3
CONN-821Add JUnit tests for mail classes for Mail packageTaskMinorCLOSED3
CONN-823As a CONNECT developer, I want to set up an environment for a HIMSS 2014 demo.Technical StoryMinorCLOSED2
CONN-824As a CONNECT developer I want to rebrand the portal with CONNECT theme to demo at HIMSS 2014Technical StoryMinorCLOSED1
CONN-825As a CONNECT developer I want to do a dry run of the HIMSS 2014 demo with good data.Technical StoryMinorCLOSED2
CONN-826Setup Interop test environment on Linux with JBoss/CONNECT 4.2.1TaskMinorCLOSED3
CONN-852 *Review of Bug Fixes Made to AurionTaskMinorCLOSED2
CONN-853 *Unit tests for Remaining DirectCore Classes for Target CoverageTaskMinorCLOSED2
CONN-854 *QA Task for DirectCore Unit testsTaskMinorCLOSED0
CONN-857 *Research VA deploy issue in WLS 12c WindowsTaskMinorCLOSED1

Issues Not Completed

KeySummaryIssue TypePriorityStatusStory Points (2)
CONN-815As a CONNECT adopter, I want a Release test plan for 4.3 so that the community understands how 4.3 has been tested prior to making it availableUser StoryMinorIN PROGRESS2

Issues Removed From Sprint

KeySummaryIssue TypePriorityStatusStory Points (0)
CONN-779As a CONNECT adopter, I want 4.3 to be install tested so that the installation is successfully validated in the supported environmentsUser StoryMinorOPEN