October 20th - November 3rd
Executive Summary
CurrentOverall Status
Sprint status was good. The Product Team has prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 142 comprising 34 points. These themes included -
- Partner and Community support
- Forum discussions
- VA implementation
- SSA 4.3.2 implementation
- DoD implementation questions
- Community and OHT support
- Direct (End to End Feature Testing, Bug Fixes, Setup for External HISP Testing)
- Admin GUI (End to End Feature Testing, Cleanup and Bug Tickets, WebSphere Issue CONN-1291)
- X12 (Continued Internal & Coordinated CMS Testing)
- Begin 4.4 Release Preparation (Documentation)
- Healtheway Product Certification Support (Research and Support for Vendor Reported Issues)
The team completed 42 points this sprint. Three tickets Three tickets(6 points) could not be completed due to testing dependencies and will be looked at in the next sprint. The team added tickets related to the Fortify scan findings and addressed all Critical, High and Medium issues found, Also all Low Category 1 tickets were addressed. The team completed executing Direct test cases on Glassfish and validated Direct functionality. The other application servers will be tested next sprint for Direct.
The team also started with release preparation tasks for Release 4.4.
Sprint Themes and related tickets for Sprint 143:
Partner and Community support
- Forum discussions
- VA implementation
- Supported VA with an issue related to sun-web-app_2_5-0.dtd dependency. Analyzed the issue and discussed options with VA. The team also provided updated binaries that could immediately address the issue in the interest of time as the Oracle site was down.
- FAQ entry was updated to provide guidance to other implementers- https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/tACD
- SSA 4.3.2 implementation
- DoD implementation questions
- Healtheway/Spec factory.
- Received feedback on mustUnderstand in Action element of synchronous response - http://exchange-specifications.wikispaces.com/share/view/55530026
- Issue will be discussed further post 4.4 release. (CONN-1428)
Next Release (4.4)
Support for NwHIN CAQH Core X12 Document submission service (Feature complete)
- X12 Document Submission service documentation
- Requirements wiki page - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aYCb
- Story plan -https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VoAGAQ
- Error handling- https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NABTAQ
- Large payload testing - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KwB3AQ
- Design approach - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQBNAQ
- Regression suite was updated with New Feature scripts.
- Research the code to understand how to set the Action->mustUnderstand attribute for Real Time/synchronous response for NwHN CAQH CORE X12 DS service (CONN-1429)
Admin GUI
- Analyzed and addressed the issue related to accessing Direct configuration in WAS.(CONN-1291)
Created a POC to create a web service client using JAX-WS App server Container implementation to call direct config service. Modified AdminGUI to use the the default JAX-WS App server Container implementation to call config service in WAS (using the Spring config to inject the web service client)(CONN-1419)
- Provide the ability to manage users in the system(CONN-1377)
- Admin GUI cleanup
- Fixed duplicate rows in manage roles (CONN-1373)
- Fixed duplicate domain issue(CONN-1390)
- Fixed password issues(CONN-1441)
- Created a wiki for Direct QOS and Trust bundles testing (CONN-1352). This page documents the test scenarios that were executed for validating trust bundles support and integration and Direct delivery service notifications
- Validated Direct functionality on Glassfish.(CONN-1402)
- Successfully executed all the test cases above to ensure that Direct QOS and Trust Bundles works on GlassFish application server
- Update default timeout values for Processed and Dispatched Notification timeout parameters to be 1hr and 24 hours resp.(CONN-1425)
Fortify/Code quality
- Reviewed 4.4 security scan results, and addressed issues(CONN-1403). Some issues were fixed while for others mitigation strategy was documented on the wiki page -
- Addressed Fortify Critical, High and Medium priority tickets and Low Cat1 tickets.(CONN-970, CONN-971, CONN-972, CONN-973, CONN-986, CONN-987, CONN-1392, CONN-1393, CONN-1394, CONN-1395, CONN-1396, CONN-1397, CONN-1399, CONN-1400,CONN-1401, CONN-1420, CONN-1426, CONN-1431, CONN-1432, CONN-1433, CONN-1434 )
- The team will work with DoD to review of the findings and associated results next sprint
- Addressed Find Bug High priority tickets to improve Code quality(CONN-1422, CONN-1437, CONN-1438, CONN-1439, CONN-1440)
Release Prep
- Requirements artifacts were peer reviewed and finalized (CONN-1354)
- Admin GUI - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NQHs
- Direct enhancements for QOS and Trust Bundles - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/lwGD
- X12 Document submission - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aYCb
- Executed eHealth Exchange participant test cases on the current code base (CONN-1360)
- All certification/participant test cases passed.- /wiki/spaces/CONNECT4/pages/26837008
- 2 new test cases (provisional) failed, but will be looked at post release.(CONN-1442, CONN-1443)
JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 143:
49 tickets
Related Files:
Sprint 143 code tag