Table of Contents |
- AD - Admin Distribution
- PD - Patient Discovery
- DQ - Document Query
- DR - Document Retrieve
- DS - Document Submission
- DDS - Document Data Submission (Pilot)
- X12 - Core X12
- Direct - Direct Core
- admingui - Administrative GUI *.WAR, and the corresponding web services into the compiled *.EAR.
- was - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for websphere application server
- weblogic - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for weblogic application server
- jboss7 - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for Jboss EAP 7 and wildfly application server.
How do I Install CONNECT?
How can I use PKCS12 KeyStore instead of JKS KeyStore in WebSphere Application Server?
See link to forum post on how a community member setup a JKS Keystore with WAS -
How can I use the CA Signed Certificate for CONNECT in WAS 8.5?
See link to forum post on how to use a CA signed certificate instead of self signed certificate in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 stand alone installation for CONNECT -
How can I create custom secure (SSL) port and unsecure port in WAS for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing?
See link to forum post on how to use a create a custom secure and unsecure ports in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing -
How can I install CONNECT on Tomcat?
CONNECT currently is tested on Wildfly, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic. However there seems no reason why CONNECT would not work on Tomcat. See link to forum post on how some of our community members have successfully installed CONNECT on Tomcat and associated tips/changes needed in the configuration files -
How can I resolve third party Dependency DTD/SCHEMA
CONNECT uses Java JEE standard for developing all the Web/Web Service modules. The JEE web application/Enterprise application uses DTD/SCHEMA to verify the XML deployment descriptors used, which are specific to each application server vendor and these DTD/SCHEMA are hosted by the application vendor and referenced from CONNECT Web/Web Service applications. We recently noticed that one of the application server vendor's site (hosting these DTD/SCHEMAs) was down causing the CONNECT system to be down. For example, the site which was hosting some DTD/SCHEMA was down and due to this CONNECT was not deploying/working for one of the CONNECT users. Implementation teams can resolve this issue by doing any of the following: