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Where is the CONNECT source code repository?
An in-depth summary can be found here for details on building a customized CONNECT EAR. In short, the EAR is sectioned into various Maven profiles which will add the chosen services into the compiled EAR. If the profile is not specified, it will not be deployed. They are as follows:
- AD - Admin Distribution
- PD - Patient Discovery
- DQ - Document Query
- DR - Document Retrieve
- DS - Document Submission
- DDS - Document Data Submission (Pilot)
- X12 - Core X12
- Direct - Direct Core
- admingui - Administrative GUI *.WAR, and the corresponding web services into the compiled *.EAR.
- was - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for websphere application server
- weblogic - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for weblogic application server
- jboss7 - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for Jboss EAP 7 and wildfly application server.
Can CONNECT be used for Carequality implementation?
Currently, the CONNECT gateway is designed to operate in two modes, entity (standard) and passthrough. Entity (Standard) allows for further processing by the gateway including policy checks, mpi queries, and fan-out capabilities. Passthrough sends the message directly from gateway to adapter and vice versa.
When building CONNECT, you may specify the appropriate maven profiles (DQ, PD, DS, DDS, admingui, etc.), which will compile and bundle the services into the resulting EAR file. Simply use the respective profiles only for the services you wish to deploy.
What is the Admin GUI, and how can I use it?
How can I use PKCS12 KeyStore instead of JKS KeyStore in WebSphere Application Server?
See link to forum post on how a community member setup a JKS Keystore with WAS - Using-PKCS-KeyStore-in-WAS-instead-of-JKS-KeyStore
How can I use the CA Signed Certificate for CONNECT in WAS 8.5?
See link to forum post on how to use a CA signed certificate instead of self signed certificate in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 stand alone installation for CONNECT - Using-CA-Signed-Certificate-for-Connect-4-0-in-WAS-8-5
How can I create custom secure (SSL) port and unsecure port in WAS for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing?
See link to forum post on how to use a create a custom secure and unsecure ports in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing
How can I install CONNECT on Tomcat?
CONNECT currently is tested on Wildfly, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic. See link to forum post on how some of our community members have successfully installed CONNECT on Tomcat and associated tips/changes needed in the configuration files - Deploying-Connect-4-on-tomcat
How can I resolve third party Dependency DTD/SCHEMA URLs?
While configuring multiple gateways do we need to configure then both ExchangeInfo?
ExchangeInfo.xml is used to communicate with other gateway while InternalExchangeInfo.xml is used for internal adapters within its own gateway. If you participate in ehealth exchange network, you don't need to change ExchangeInfo.xml since CONNECT pulls the latest uddi/fhir from uddi/fhir servers periodically.How to Configure Patient Correlation Expiration Length?