Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • AD - Admin Distribution
  • PD - Patient Discovery
  • DQ - Document Query
  • DR - Document Retrieve
  • DS - Document Submission
  • DDS - Document Data Submission (Pilot)
  • X12 - Core X12
  • Direct - Direct Core
  • admingui - Administrative GUI *.WAR, and the corresponding web services into the compiled *.EAR.
  • was - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for websphere application server
  • weblogic - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for weblogic application server 
  • jboss7 - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for Jboss EAP 7 and wildfly application server.

Can CONNECT be used for Carequality implementation?


How can I use PKCS12 KeyStore instead of JKS KeyStore in WebSphere Application Server?

See link to forum post on how a community member setup a JKS Keystore with WAS - Using-PKCS-KeyStore-in-WAS-instead-of-JKS-KeyStore

How can I use the CA Signed Certificate for CONNECT in WAS 8.5?

See link to forum post on how to use a CA signed certificate instead of self signed certificate in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 stand alone installation for CONNECT -  Using-CA-Signed-Certificate-for-Connect-4-0-in-WAS-8-5 

How can I create custom secure (SSL) port and unsecure port in WAS for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing?

See link to forum post on how to use a create a custom secure and unsecure ports in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing 

How can I install CONNECT on Tomcat?

CONNECT currently is tested on Wildfly, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic. See link to forum post on how some of our community members have successfully installed CONNECT on Tomcat and associated tips/changes needed in the configuration files - Deploying-Connect-4-on-tomcat

How can I resolve third party Dependency DTD/SCHEMA URLs?


In order to use these services you would write an adapter which integrates with these productions, or depending on these product's capabilities, maybe create services in OpenMRS, OSCAR, or some integration tool which provision the adapter interface for each of these services. Then when CONNECT receives one of these requests over the NHIN, CONNECT will call your services and the EMR can respond in turn.

How to authorize into NHIN? What to do for that on(Getting UserName & Password for using avialable services).

NHIN does not call for cross-HIE authentication. Instead, you authenticate your users locally however you choose, then "assert" the authentication info (who is the user, why they are requesting data, etc) and pass this in the entity assertion class, which gets represented in the NHIN message as a SAML token. The receiving gateway then uses its own policies to determine if it will allow for this call.

What machanism NHIN is using for identifying the Patients?

Each organization can identify its patients how it chooses. When you share patient data, you communicate the patient identifiers using a qualified patient id (local patient id + a globably unique assigning authority).

Help on OID Request

If your server won't be communicating with any external gateways, you do not need to request an OID. You may use an arbitrary value, but the value must be used consistently throughout the configuration of your gateway. 1.1 and 2.2 are common arbitrary values used by other internal only servers.

My interest is specifically about the fields with the drop-down lists which only show one value on the screen prints. I looked at the specification documents and see lists of values for some fields (that are not drop-downs) but no explosion or list of the drop-down contents.

The contents of the drop-down menus are configurable. They currently come from a properties file in CONNECT. The NHIN specification team has defined what code sets they come from. When you install CONNECT you can see the list, but again that is configurable.

We are looking to integrate CONNECT into our solution by leveraging reports from other agencies, analyze them and compare them to our reports. I was curious if there were any suggestions on how to set up and configure the adapter for this system.

NHIN currently provide two mechanism for collecting clinical data: a real time query for data (provided by "doc query" and "doc retrieve") and an async pub/sub model (provided by HIEM).

The way things look to be evolving on the NHIN specification factory (the group that makes the specs for NHIN) is that HIEM will contain sub-specs to detail for what you can issue subscriptions, called a profile. At the moment, the only thing that you are really "allowed" to subscribe for is a "consumer preference profile" (document containing the rules about who can see a "my" data). The next soon-to-be-released profile spec is for GIPSE, which covers subscriptions/notifications that contain aggregated data, expected to be used for groups like CDC collecting data from public health agencies (think: "how many people had the flu yesterday").

Adding text to ED datatype in Java using CONNECTCommonTypesLib?

CONNECT common type library is part of the CONNECT product suite and it caters the needs of the CONNECT product requirements. The main reason we put it in the maven repository is make our build easier and address the requirements that we support. As I said earlier its specifically designed for CONNECT and may not address some of your requirements.

But you can always fork the source from GitHub and extend it to your needs. Also you can generate your own extended library, post it to the maven repo and reference it from there.

Custom Assertion AttributeStatements

Currently only the the elements defined in the AssertionType (check NhincCommon.xsd schema) are supported. You can modify the source to add custom assertion attributes, below are the steps:

  1. Change the AssertionType in NhincCommon.xsd schema (Add a new element with name/value or any type based on your requirement)
  2. Generate Common Types and Connect WebServices jars
  3. Use the Common Types and Connect WebServices jars in CONNECT
  4. Add the respective getters in gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/callback/openSAML/ &
  5. Extract the value from the entity and set it on the request context --> gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/saml/extraction/
  6. Create the new Attribute (Attribute statement) that you need to pass to the other gateway --> gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/callback/openSAML/ & gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/callback/openSAML/

Source code branching strategy

CONNECT is our “master” branch, developers commit code (by merging pull requests) into CONNECT_integration. The CI jobs then validate the commits and merge them into CONNECT. Therefore we know CONNECT will always build and be stable. This same process is repeated for all of the release branches (4.2/4.2_integration, 4.3/4.3_integration), however those branches don’t enjoy the same level of activity as the CONNECT/CONNECT_integration branches.

New to CONNECT- Downloaded CONNECT SOURCE: see lots of repeats like DocumentSubmission_10, DocumentSubmission_20, DocumentSubmission_a0... What do they mean, are the different versions?

CONNECT supports both 2010 and Summer 2011 Nationwide Health Information Network specifications. . The 20, 10 etc. suffix is used to indicate the spec version for any service and is dependent on the service.

Information on the design can be found in 'UDDI-Based Backwards Compatibility'
There is a document link in the wiki page above that has details.(This feature was introduced in Release 3.3)

Also a list of the interfaces can be found at - 'Interface Description Document'