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Table of Contents


  • AD - Admin Distribution
  • PD - Patient Discovery
  • DQ - Document Query
  • DR - Document Retrieve
  • DS - Document Submission
  • DDS - Document Data Submission (Pilot)
  • X12 - Core X12
  • Direct - Direct Core
  • admingui - Administrative GUI *.WAR, and the corresponding web services into the compiled *.EAR.
  • was - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for websphere application server
  • weblogic - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for weblogic application server 
  • jboss7 - Enterprise Application Archive (EAR ) for Jboss EAP 7 and wildfly application server.

Can CONNECT be used for Carequality implementation?


How can I use PKCS12 KeyStore instead of JKS KeyStore in WebSphere Application Server?

See link to forum post on how a community member setup a JKS Keystore with WAS - Using-PKCS-KeyStore-in-WAS-instead-of-JKS-KeyStore

How can I use the CA Signed Certificate for CONNECT in WAS 8.5?

See link to forum post on how to use a CA signed certificate instead of self signed certificate in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 stand alone installation for CONNECT -  Using-CA-Signed-Certificate-for-Connect-4-0-in-WAS-8-5 

How can I create custom secure (SSL) port and unsecure port in WAS for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing?

See link to forum post on how to use a create a custom secure and unsecure ports in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 for CONNECT Validation Suite (SOAP-UI) Testing 

How can I install CONNECT on Tomcat?

CONNECT currently is tested on Wildfly, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic. See link to forum post on how some of our community members have successfully installed CONNECT on Tomcat and associated tips/changes needed in the configuration files - Deploying-Connect-4-on-tomcat

How can I resolve third party Dependency DTD/SCHEMA URLs?


eHealth Exchange (formally known as NwHIN Exchange and now managed by a private the non-profit HealtheWay) requires their participants to sign a Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA) to formlize formalize the exchange partnership. Please see the link for more information and a PFD of a DURSA,
Patient Discovery/Doc Query - Fan Out vs target a specific NHIE gateway for PD & DQ requests


NHIN does not call for cross-HIE authentication. Instead, you authenticate your users locally however you choose, then "assert" the authentication info (who is the user, why they are requesting data, etc) and pass this in the entity assertion class, which gets represented in the NHIN message as a SAML token. The receiving gateway then uses its own policies to determine if it will allow for this call.



mechanism is NHIN


using for identifying the Patients?

Each organization can identify its patients how it chooses. When you share patient data, you communicate the patient identifiers using a qualified patient id (local patient id + a globably globally unique assigning authority).
