The wrong format in subject:role element, that causes the exception to happen. However, when CONNECT catches any exception, it will throw SOAP fault in response message along with 500 error code in header. The SOAP specification under section 6.2 SOAP HTTP Response (https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/#_Toc478383510) indicates that requirement.
Validation Suite issues
How to run SoapUI at a remote location
Change the endpoint so that the message is sent to the correct location.
SOAPUI ValidationSuite fails to run correctly?
Make sure your SoapUI has the libraries (FileUtils and MySQL jars) installed to run the ValidationSuite.
SoapUI Validation Fails with NPE before it hits the server?
Make sure your GatewayPropDir
property points to the nhinc
property folder.
Validation tests are failing because of certificate path problems