- JBoss Support - Another strategic application server the community wanted CONNECT 4.0 tested with was JBoss. JBoss provides an open source app server that supports FIPS requirements
- CI and Build Improvements
- A key goal for 4.1 was to increase the JUnit code coverage and reduce FindBugs errors for the Connect Core Library.
- The initial target was to remove all possible bugs from the library using the FindBugs tool and increase both our line and branch coverage by 20% - See \Link to code coveragehttps://developer.connectopensource.org/display/CONNECT40/4.1+Code+Coverage
- Multi-Spec QD / RD End point enhancement for DoD/SSA (pending DE&I approval) -- Was not included in sprint.
- Features and Improvements Resolved Support tickets
- CONN-301 - As a CONNECT user, I want the Direct feature to work out of the box on binary installations, so I can set up Direct more easily. CONN-285 - As a CONNECT community member, I need Direct installation instructions to be updated to detail configuration steps, so that I can easily install and configure Direct in my environment
- CONN-319 - Fix testMpi resource so it doesn't always get updated
- CONN-292 - CONNECTSamlAssertionValidator Logic needs review
- CONN-280 - PatientDB implementation does not work
- CONN-92 - Remove NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR environment variable
- CONN-40 - Audit Log Transforms (PD) throws exception in server log
- CONN-37 - NPI SAML attribute is not supported in CONNECT
- CONN-61 - GUIs deployed in the EAR (GF) cause the admin console to misbehave after restart
- Release prep and other tasks
- CONN-299 - Release test plan
- CONN-307 – Interop testing
- CONN-305 – Re-verification testing
- CONN-304-- Regression testing
- CONN-295 - Interop: Update harness for repeatable Ldev11 tests
- CONN-297 - merge all fixes in CONNECT_integration into branch 4.0-integration in order to prepare to release 4.1
- CONN-244 - Create QA Mail Server
- Sprint 103 review notes|^s103_review and s104_planning.ppt||||||||\ - Notes about the work completed in s103. (Also includes work planned for s103)
- Sprint 103 planning notes - Notes about the work planned in s103. (Also includes work completed for s102)
- Sprint 103 code tag
- JIRA. See Sprint 103