- Multi-spec identification for QD/RD
- Continue working on the HealtheWay certification pilot test cases
- CONN-412 - Execute smoke test cases for pilot testing
- CONN-390 - Execute pilot test cases for PD
- CONN-391 - Execute pilot test cases for QD
- CONN-438 - CONNECT not populating wsa-To value
- CONN-402 - Empty relatesToList value on the Entity interfaces results in an empty but existent wsa:RelatesTo header
- CONN-426,CONN-430,CONN-432, CONN-428,CONN-429 - Tickets related to the MTOM fix for PD and QD.
- Other tasks
- Prepare for May 21st CONNECT User Group meetingmeeting
- Partner and Community Support
- CONN-421 -Direct Mail Poller is running even after the CONNECT application is undeployed or stopped/disabled.
- CONN-420 - Direct is failing in WebSphere 8.5/7.0 if database event logger is enabled.
- Participated in the Direct Virtual Connectathon
- Ongoing Custodial Agent duties
Prioritized JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 107