The Product team pointed and prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 104 comprising 14 points. The team completed 7.5 of the 14 total points for this sprint. added 2 more points as part of CONN-355 and 1 ticket/point (CONN-334)was moved out from the sprint related to auditing. The team completed 9.5 of the 15 total points for this sprint.
- 4.1 Release Preparation
Prioritized JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 104
Related Files
- Sprint 104 review notes \|^s104_review and s105_planning.ppt- Notes about the work completed in s104. (Also includes work planned for s105)
- Sprint 104 planning notes - Notes about the work planned in s104. (Also includes work completed for s103)
- Sprint 104 code tag
- JIRA. See Sprint 104