Sprint Review + Planning | Monday February 11th | 10am - 12pm ET Tel: 646-216-4772 | 866-946-0485 | Access Code: 922 914 63 Web Meeting (Meeting Number: 145 254 634) Add to your calendar
February 11 - February 24, 2013
Sprint in Context
The next release of CONNECT intends to include the features listed below, which were approved by the CONNECT change control board and the Federal Health Architecture Managing Board.
1. CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to increase throughput targeting increased numbers of PD, QD, RD, AD, and DS transactions
2. CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to exchange and process large payload sizes of up to 1 GB
3. CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to run on additional application servers such as WebSphere and WebLogic to meet their environment needs
4. CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to get more comprehensive performance logging and metric data (counts and duration) using improved logging in CONNECT
5. CONNECT adopters shall be able to determine the state of a transaction across messages in order to better troubleshoot and analyze the operation of CONNECT and their trading partners
6. CONNECT adopters shall have the ability to minimize deployment load by supporting a lightweight gateway which allows smaller server footprint and use of system resources and allows the federal partners to maximize the use of their custom-built adapters.
7. As a CONNECT user, I need CONNECT to integrate with and support the Direct Project specifications
See this page for details on the features for CONNECT 4.0. See this page for CONNECT 4.0 Sprint Planning, which shows how each sprint moves us toward the release plan.
February 11 - February 24, 2013
Executive Summary
Overall Status
Info |
Sprint status is Excellent. The team accomplished almost all of the thematic work defined for the sprint. |
Cumulative Flow
Sprint Themes
The Product team pointed and prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 101 comprising 35 points and completed 30 points for this sprint.
Proposed Themes:
- CONNECT 4.0 Implementation Support
- Forums + Community Support
- http://www.connectopensource.org/developer-resources/forums
- CONN-146 - Performance Testing - additionaltestbedinformation
- CONN-147 - Contributing Code documentation page does not render
- CONN-135 - CompleteWebLogicPerformance Testing
- CONN-66 - 4.0 Test Summary Report
- CONN-142 - test Direct functionality on WL
- CONN-143 - test Direct functionality on WS
- Webinars
- Business Overview (CONN-11 - As a CONNECT adopter, I want a presentation/webinar on the 4.0 release from a business perspective so that I understand the business value of the features in this release.)
- Technical Deep-Dive (CONN-12 - As a CONNECT user, I want a presentation/webinar on the 4.0 release from a technical perspective so that I understand how to implement the features in this release.)
- Forums + Community Support
- HIMSS ’13 Interoperability Showcase Preparation
- CONN-53 - As an Exchange interoperability showcase participant. I go to a CONNECT web app, enter in my endpoints, synch up my cert, and enter in the basic demographic data about MY patients, so I can demonstrate my use of Exchange technology.
- CONN-54 - I'm an Exchange interoperability showcase participant, I want to go to a CONNECT web app, enter in my endpoints, synch up my cert, and look up the basic demographic data from other participants, so I can exchange with them.
- CONN-136 - As an Exchange interoperability showcase participant. I need an UDDI to store Exchange addresses.
- CI and Build optimizations
- CONN-63 - As a CONNECT developer, I would like to see the default build take less than 5 minutes
- CONN-126 - As a CONNECT developer, I can build core libraries and services independently from each other
- CONN-127 - As a CONNECT developer, I run wsdl2java generation as few times as possible during normal CI
- CONN-174 - As a CONNECT developer, I would like to have a profile that would disable the SOAPUI tests.
- CONN-173 - CONNECT deploy using ant fails
- CONN-122 - As a CONNECT developer, I would like the interoperability dashboard collector program updated to provide test diagnostic information.
- CONN-137 - As a CONNECT tester, I want the regression test ready to run at regular intervals in the CI environment
- Corelib optimization
- Component technology upgrades
- CI and Build optimizations
- Direct Connect-A-Thon
Related Files and Tag
- Sprint 101 review notes - Notes about the work completed in s101. (Also includes work planned for s102)
- Sprint 101 planning notes - Notes about the work planned in s101. (Also includes work completed for s100)
- Sprint 101 code tag
- JIRA. See Sprint 101