The Product team prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 137 comprising 26 points. Sprint status is good and the team completed XX points this sprint. One ticket for 2 points remained at the end of the sprint and placed back into the backlog. These 23 points. These themes included -
- Partner and Community support
- Resolution of CONN-1273 (Addressing Resolution Issue with CONN-875), Build for 4.3.2.
- Admin GUI (Testing , Cleanup Tasks)
- X12 Research (Review of WSDLs, Continued Requirements and Documentation Refinement)
The team pulled 2 tickets into the sprint related to VA support (CONN-1292) and CI Build failure(CONN-1294) adding 3 points. Sprint status is excellent and the team completed 26 points this sprint. The team provided a release tag 4.3.2-RC1 to SSA for the namespace/PurposeOfUse issue. Also the team made progress with the X12 Document Submission development for the real time transactions. The team continued supporting VA and the broader CONNECT community.
Sprint Themes and related tickets for Sprint 137:
- Forum discussions
- VA implementation
- DoD Table Update Issue
- Partner Questions
- Community and OHT support
- Minimal testing support for INHS Onboarding
- Met with Healtheway to discuss Knowledge Sharing and Vendor testing issues
- Researched Vendor testing issue provided by Healtheway for the meeting
- Support VA with 4.2.1 upgrade - AnswerNotAvailable issue(CONN-1292)
- Discussed an issue VA is seeing in the production code base. Discussed possible troubleshooting ideas monitoring logs and explained conditions when CONNECT sends AnswerNotAvailable.
- Worked with CMS team to resolve a ws-addressing issue occurring with a particular trading partner
- Fixed SSA issue related to PurposeofUse and Role xsi:type attributes NOT scoped correctly. (CONN-1273)
- See below for snippet showing the namespaces correctly defined
- Created Release 4.3.2 RC1 tag and validation (CONN-1274/CONN-1283).
- Created interoperability environment of 4.3.2 and validated the fix.
Next Release (4.4)
- Admin GUI
- Fixed issue related to CONNECTAdminGUI - Cannot load on WAS 8.5 post-merge with Direct (CONN-1222)
- Deployed EAR build with profiles AD,PD,DQ,DR,DS,Direct,was to WebSphere 8.5.
- Deployed the AdminGUI war separate from the EAR to WebSphere 8.5.
- Fixed issue related to CONNECTAdminGUI - Cannot load on WAS 8.5 post-merge with Direct (CONN-1222)
- Support for NwHIN CAQH Core X12 Document submission service
- Team reviewed documentation and assumptions with CMS team.(CONN-1221)
- Wiki updated with meeting notes and updated assumptions .
Requirements wiki page and other related wiki pages are updated to reflect the latest assumptions and decisions made during the 7/28 and 7/29 calls with CMS and QSSI teams.
- Support for NwHIN CAQH Core X12 Document Submission service requirements -https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10190953
- 278 Story plan - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=17203286
- Message discrepancies - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CONNECTWIKI/CONN-1167
- CMS workflow discussions - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CONNECTWIKI/CMS+workflow+discussions
- Development for X12 Real Time services
- Updated WSDL - X12 Webservice with services from latest assumptions that were discussed with CMS(CONN-1284)
- Created X12 Adapter web Service project for adapter secured and unsecured synchronous endpoint. (CONN-1278)
- Created gateway web service project for gateway secured and unsecured synchronous endpoint.(CONN-1279)
- Created core service for orchestrating inbound/outbound messages, that is referenced by the gateway and adapter WARs. Only passthrough and realtime X12 messages. (CONN-1280)
- Outbound will be completed next sprint.
- Fixed CONNECT nightly build - Too many open files error(CONN-1294)
JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 137:
Related Files
Sprint 137 code 137 code tag