Sprint status is good. The Product Team prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 141 142 comprising 34 points. These themes included -
- Admin GUI (Continued Cleanup, End to End Feature Testing, Bug Tickets)
- Direct (Event Logging, Multiple Recipient and End to End Feature Testing)
- Healtheway Product Certification Support (Research and Support for Vendor Reported Issues)
Sprint Themes and related tickets for Sprint 142:
- Forum discussions
- CMS X12 testing
- The team supported CMS with installation related questions as they were deploying the last sprint tag in their QA environments for testing both XDR and X12 services.
- Development on X12 complete
- Partner Questions
- Community and OHT support
Next Release (4.4)
The team reviewed the 4.4 backlog this sprint and discussed priorities for release backlog tickets. The team has a good understanding of the work to be completed for the next few sprints.
Support for NwHIN CAQH Core X12 Document submission service
- Team reviewed the progress made last sprint with CMS team
- CONNECT team discussed that development was complete and learnt about some of the testing progress made by the CMS team.
- Tested that CONNECT was able to process Real time payload of 20MB within <20 seconds at the gateway (CONN-1349)
- Implemented Invalid target communities error scenario for X12 services (CONN-1355) and updated documentation
- X12 Document Submission service documentation
- Requirements wiki page - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aYCb
- Story plan -https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VoAGAQ
- Error handling- https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NABTAQ
- Large payload testing - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KwB3AQ
- Design approach - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQBNAQ
- Regression suite was updated with New Feature scripts.
Admin GUI
- Fixed Deployment descriptor display names for Direct and CONNECTAdminGUI. (CONN-1101)
- Display Trust Bundle anchors for trust bundle (CONN-1263)
- Fixed issue related to domain updates(CONN-1359)
- Fixed issue related to creating new users causing user to log back in(CONN-1362)
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception when adding TB without signing cert(CONN-1363)
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception when adding TB to a domain(CONN-1386)
- Admin GUI required field validation(CONN-1370)
- Report error when create user fails(CONN-1374)
- Remove Admin GUI Remove tab 'Performance statistics' from the Gateway Status page since it is not functional(CONN-1376)
- Added Refresh button for refreshing Trust Bundles(CONN-1378)
- Review and update java docs for all Admin GUI classes (CONN-1385)
- Fixed issue related to adding an invalid certificate in Trustbundle tab(CONN-1408)
- Admin GUI documentation
- Draft wiki manual - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EQD9 (CONN-1162)
- Direct configuration - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TgB3AQ (CONN-1346)
- Login status and account management - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UAB3AQ (CONN-1165)
- Build CONNECT for Exchange services without any dependencies on Direct .(CONN-807)
Removed Direct dependencies and tested building only Exchange services and verified that Direct components are not built
Also, built with Direct profile being active and verified that Direct components are built.
- Deployed Connect.ear (with Direct profile) and AdminGUI.war. (CONN-1290).
- Known issue CONN-1291 on WAS which will be researched further next sprint.
- Reviewed the Direct user stories and create any supporting technical stories that are needed(CONN-1358)
- Direct in JBoss 7.1 failing with an error java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError (CONN-1384)
- Successfully able to build Connect.ear for jboss with Direct profile and WAR.
- Quality of service testing
- As a CONNECT adopter sending Direct messages, I want to receive a notification when positive or negative delivery notification message is received by the gateway from the Responding STA, so that I am informed of a sucessful successful or failed delivery (CONN-202)
- Support new Direct events for notifications back to the edge for success and failure notifications. (CONN-1197)
- Updated design wiki page with event information - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KwGD
- Tested on all 4 application servers
- Tested successfully on WAS(CONN-1227)
- Tested successfully on GlassFish (CONN-1228)
- Tested successfully on JBoss(CONN-1230)
- Support new Direct events for notifications back to the edge for success and failure notifications. (CONN-1197)
- As a CONNECT adopter sending Direct messages, I want to receive a notification when positive or negative delivery notification message is received by the gateway from the Responding STA, so that I am informed of a sucessful successful or failed delivery (CONN-202)
- Executed Fortify scan on CONNECT code and documented findings (CONN-1172). Findings will be addressed next sprint
JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 142:
Completed tickets:
Not completed tickets:
Related Files:
Sprint 142 code tag
Binaries are here - ftp://ftp.connectopensource.org/connect_4.0/CONNECT_sprint_142/