- Forum discussions
- VA implementation
- DoD Table Update Issue
- Community and OHT support
- Minimal testing support for INHS Onboarding
- Met with Healtheway to discuss Knowledge Sharing and Vendor testing issues
- Researched Vendor testing issue provided by Healtheway for the meeting
- Support VA with 4.2.1 upgrade - AnswerNotAvailable issue(CONN-1292)
- Discussed an issue VA is seeing in the production code base. Discussed possible troubleshooting ideas monitoring logs and explained conditions when CONNECT sends AnswerNotAvailable.
- Worked with CMS team to resolve a ws-addressing issue occurring with a particular trading partner
- Fixed SSA issue related to PurposeofUse and Role xsi:type attributes NOT scoped correctly. (CONN-1273)
- See below for snippet showing the namespaces correctly defined