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Before reviewing this page, you should be familiar with concepts of version control and distributed version control systems. See /wiki/spaces/CONNECTWIKI/pages/8585251 for information and links.

Cloning the Repository

  • How do I clone the CONNECT git repository?

    git clone <desired path>

Branching and Tagging

  • How do I see all my branches?

    git branch (local only)
    git branch -r (remote only)
    git branch -a (all)
  • How do I "switch" to the 3.3.1 branch?

    git checkout 3.3.1
  • How do I branch and checkout using one line?

    git checkout -b 3.3.1_foo_bug_fix

    This is equivalent to:

    git branch 3.3.1_foo_bug_fix
    git checkout 3.3.1_foo_bug_fix
  • How do I delete a local branch?

    git branch -d 3.3.1_foo_bug_fix
  • How do I create a new "foo" tag on the "bar" branch?

    git checkout bar
    git tag "foo"
    git push origin tag "foo"
  • How do I create a new "foo" tag on a specific commit on the "bar" branch?

    git checkout bar
    git tag -a "foo" <commit hash> -m "<tag message>"
    git push --tags
  • How do I delete a remote tag?

    git tag -d <tag name>
    git push origin :refs/tags/<tag name>
  • How do I delete a remote branch?

    git push origin :<name of branch to delete>
  • How do I create a new branch and push to remote?

    git checkout <name of branch to base from>
    git branch <new branch name>
    git push -u origin <new branch name>

    The -u switch will automatically configure git to push and pull from the remote branch. You can leave off the -u switch if you don't want git pull to merge the remote branch to your local.

  • How do I see which local branch is tracking which remote branch?

    git remote show origin
  • How do I create a branch called 3.2.2_dev based off of a 3.2.2 branch from the server?

    git checkout -b 3.2.2_dev remotes/origin/3.2.2
  • How do I work with a tag based off of a branch (e.g. 3.2.2_RC2 tag based off of 3.2.2 branch)?

    git checkout 3.2.2      # checkout base branch
    git pull                # get latest remote base branch
    git checkout 3.2.2_RC2  # checkout tag


  • How do I view the git history of a file?

    git log --follow EntityNotifySoapHeaderHandler.xml
  • How do I see what was committed in a given revision?

     git log -p <commit hash>
  • How do I view a specific revision of a file?

    git show <commit-ref>:<filename>

    The <commit-ref> in the command can be the SHA-1 value or the HEAD

^ (one previous commit) shortcut.


  • How do I clean up all the unknown files in my workspace?

    git clean -f -d
    git clean -f -d -X (remove ignored files as well)
  • How do revert all my changes?


    This will delete all your changes as no backups are created!

    git reset --hard
  • To revert a single file or deleted directory, do:

    git checkout HEAD <FILE>


  • Halp! I accidentally committed and pushed a file to github! How do I revert it?
    Like subversion, you have to revert the file locally and then commit it. The <commit-ref> in the command below can be the SHA-1 value or the HEAD

^ (one previous commit) shortcut. Afterwards, you should see the specified filename be in the index, and you can commit it like any other changes.

git checkout <commit-ref> -- <filename>
  • Sample revert

    akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product/SoapUI_Test/ValidationSuite$ git checkout 4cf2f12f9659c4022d4c0740955da81b6ee1fb93 -- 2-EndToEndSelfTest_g1-soapui-project.xml
    akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product/SoapUI_Test/ValidationSuite$ git status
    # On branch 3.3.1
    # Changes to be committed:
    #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    #    modified:   2-EndToEndSelfTest_g1-soapui-project.xml
    # Untracked files:
    #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    #    ../../Production/global-groovy.log
    #    ../../Production/soapui-errors.log
    #    ../../Production/soapui.log


  • How do I see what changes there are in my current working set?

    git status
  • Show all files that have been modified and not staged as a list

    git diff --stat
  • Diff between what is staged and what has been committed

    git diff --staged
  • Ignore blank and white spaces diff

    git diff -b -w --staged
  • Filter the diff: ignore deleted files

    git diff --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB --staged
  • How do I see the diff between my branch against a previous revision

    git diff HEAD^ HEAD

    Each ^ represents one previous revision, so HEAD^^ means two previous revisions. Equivilant to ^ is ~. HEAD~ is the same as HEAD^, and HEAD~3 is the same as HEAD^^^.


  • Stash all your changes. This will stash all your modifications in the stash stack and revert back your branch to its original state.

    git stash save "GATEWAY-123: Stuff"
  • View all your stashes (i.e. the stash stack)

    git stash list

    Sample Output:

    stash@{0}: On 3.3.1: GATEWAY-123: Stuff
  • Apply a stash to your branch. This example applies the stash 0.

    git stash apply --index stash@{0}
  • Drops a stash from the stack. This will delete it.

    git stash drop stash@{0}
  • Show a diff of a particular stash from the stack.

    git stash show -p stash@{0}

Committing and Pushing to Github

Empty Directories

Git will not push an empty folder into the repository, so add an empty .gitignore inside if you need them.

  • How do I get the latest from remote? This will merge the changes from the remote repository to your branch.

    git pull
  • How do I stage all my modified files for later commit?

    git add .
    git add -u (updates)
  • How do I stage a subset of my modified files for later commit?

    git add <file1> <file2> <etc.>
  • How do I commit everything that has been staged?

    git commit -m "commit message including Jira issue number"
  • How do I push my commits to the remote repository?

    git push origin <remote branch name>

Sample Push to Github

akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product$ git status
# On branch 3.3.1
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#    modified:   Production/Common/CONNECTCoreLib/src/main/java/gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/docregistry/adapter/
#    modified:   Production/Common/CONNECTCoreLib/src/main/java/gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/docrepository/adapter/dao/
#    modified:   Production/Common/CONNECTCoreLib/src/main/java/gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/docrepository/adapter/model/
#    new file:   Production/Common/CONNECTCoreLib/src/test/java/gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/docregistry/adapter/
#    modified:   SoapUI_Test/ValidationSuite/2-EndToEndSelfTest_g0-soapui-project.xml
#    modified:   SoapUI_Test/ValidationSuite/properties/

akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product$ git commit -m "GATEWAY-1952: Added ondemand support for QD/DocRegistry adapter"
[3.3.1 04b656e] GATEWAY-1952: Added ondemand support for QD/DocRegistry adapter
 6 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Product/Production/Common/CONNECTCoreLib/src/test/java/gov/hhs/fha/nhinc/docregistry/adapter/

akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product$ git status
# On branch 3.3.1
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/3.3.1' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

akong@plain:~/Workspace/connect/Current/Product$ git push origin 3.3.1
Counting objects: 66, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
Writing objects: 100% (36/36), 7.43 KiB, done.
Total 36 (delta 16), reused 0 (delta 0)
   1b68a6d..04b656e  3.3.1 -> 3.3.1

Git Configuration

Git configuration can occur in three separate files.

From the Pro Git Book (open source):

  1. /etc/gitconfig file: Contains values for every user on the system and all their repositories. If you pass the option` --system` to git config, it reads and writes from this file specifically.
  2. ~/.gitconfig file: Specific to your user. You can make Git read and write to this file specifically by passing the --global option.
  3. config file in the git directory (that is, .git/config) of whatever repository you’re currently using: Specific to that single repository. Each level overrides values in the previous level, so values in .git/config trump those in /etc/gitconfig.

On Windows systems, Git looks for the .gitconfig file in the $HOME directory (C:Documents and Settings$USER for most people). It also still looks for /etc/gitconfig, although it’s relative to the MSys root, which is wherever you decide to install Git on your Windows system when you run the installer.

Creating Aliases

This section details how to create aliases in git. Aliases are useful for common commands such as checkout, status, and branch.

Open a command prompt that has access to git. Git has a global config file call .gitconfig. It may be useful to a person to read up on git configuration, but this section will deal only with adding aliases.

We do this by running 'git config --global command'. What follows the '.' is the shortcut, followed by the command.
Lets say you want to shorten the 'checkout' command. An example of how to do this would be:

git config --global checkout

Now running the command:

git co 3.3.1

This will be the equivalent of

git checkout 3.3.1

Here is a list of common shortcuts:
co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
branches = branch

Commits and Rebasing

How do I update my branch with the latest from origin/CONNECT_integration AND push it to my fork?

git checkout my-feature
git fetch origin
git merge origin/CONNECT_integration
git push my-alias <fork's branch>

How do I create a local branch that is tracking another branch from somebody else's fork?

git remote add <fork>
git checkout -b yourNewBranch
git pull <fork> <fork's branch>

How do I rebase?

In the example below, we rebase the my-feature branch with the CONNECT_integration before we push. This will make your history look like you did your changes from the latest CONNECT_integration head instead of the one that you branched off from when you created your my-feature branch.

git checkout my-feature
<Do all your commits>
git rebase origin/CONNECT_integration
git push my-alias <branch>

Rebasing is safe as long you follow this rule:


So rebase only before you are ready to push.

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