Sprint Review + Planning | Monday March 25th | 10am - 12pm ET
Tel: 646-216-4772 | 866-946-0485 | Access Code: 922 914 63
Web Meeting (Meeting Number: 145 254 634)
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March 25th - April 7th, 2013
Sprint Themes
The Product team pointed and prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 104 comprising 12 points.
Proposed Themes:
- 4.1 Release Preparation
- Complete functional and regression testing
- Continue with installation testing
- Complete and finalize supporting documentation
- 4.0 Partner and Community Support
- CMS-OFM 4.0 install on WAS 7 JDK 1.6
- Support CMS with their planned Direct Pilot
- Provide support for SSA testing of 4.0
- Community support through forum responses and guidance
- Incorporate CI Testing Improvements to Additional App Servers
- Start Work on Design for Enhancements to Auditing
Prioritized JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 104