allow users to send a request to an organization in a particular exchange

. This feature is called Exchange Targeting.  Exchange name is an optional field, if not provided the request will go out to defaultExchange defined in exchangeInfo.xml.  This is different from fan-out. In fan-out the same request is sent to all organizations in a community if there is no home community id defined in the request.  

A new <exchangeName> element has been added to the <NhinTargetCommunities> block to enable users to specify a particular exchange for targeting. If no exchange is specified, the default exchange will be used. 

          <urn1:description>TARGET ORGANIZATION</urn1:description>
          <urn1:homeCommunityId>TARGET HCID</urn1:homeCommunityId>
          <urn1:name>TARGET ENDPOINT</urn1:name>