Passthrough Tests
Passthrough Tests
Passthrough tests are executed in PassThrough modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully ensure passthrough service configuration.
g1 Suite: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement July-2011 specs.
g0 Suite: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement prior to July-2011 specs.
Enabled JMX for WildFly
SoapUI: Preparation & Execution
- Copy (FileUtil, MySQL) jars to the SoapUI lib
- Deploy CONNECT ear (mvn clean install -P PD,DQ,DR,DS,AD,X12,DDS)
- Copy CONNECT common properties from \\CONNECT\Product\Production\Common\Properties\src\main\resources to application server properties folder (GatewayPropDir).
- If using WildFly 8.2.1 , copy into \\wildfly-8.2.1.Final\modules\system\layers\base\org\connectopensource\configuration\main
- Update CONNECT Gateway (Standard, PassThrough) manually and Restart application server
- If your project is scripted to switch gateway between Standard and PassThrough: ignore step-4
- Load RegressionSuite project into SoapUI
- Update GatewayPropDir value
- Execute TestSuite
- Make sure all TestCases are passed and green.
- Run all TestSuite (Standard, PassThrough, G1, G0) as needed.
Passthrough Tests
- AdapterSpringInjectionTest
- Admin Distribution-Passthrough
- AuditLogging-Passthrough
- DocQueryAdditionalStoredQueries
- DocQueryErrorCodesPassthrough
- DocQueryRetrieveSelfTest
- DocQueryXDSErrors
- EventLogging - Passthrough
- NHINC Receiving XDRA sync Request Tests
- NHINC Receiving XDRA sync Response Tests
- NHINSAMLAttributeTest
- NHINSAMLSubjectConfirmationTest
- X12ErrorHandlingTest