


The Test Suite design to verify the Spec Version mapping for Document Query (DQ) and Document Retrieve (DR) services, used by exchange manager, exchangeInfo and NHIN target communities request message.

Bimodal tests are executed in both (Standard, PassThrough) modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully switch between Standard and PassThrough.

  • g1 specify test data in exchangeInfo_g1 and internalExchangeInfo_g1

  • g0 specify test data in exchangeInfo_g0 and internalExchangeInfo_g0

  • a1 entity: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement July-2011 specs.

  • a0 entity: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement prior to July-2011 specs.

Test Cases Detail for g0, g1, a0, a1, standard and passthrough

The test cases is design to test spec version (useSpecVersion) specified by the NHIN target communities request message, matched by exchange manager and exchangeInfo endpoint version. If the match fail the expect response for the request is failure and if the match is successful the service response status should be successful. The result of the service successful or failure is decide by the exchange manager and exchangeInfo test data.

Document Query in standard mode call the patient correlation service and required additional configuration for the Patient Correlation and AA Mapping in its test case.

  • DQ_NoGuidance: the test case had not useSpecVersion element and default it value to the DQ entity spec version.

  • DQ_20Guidance: the test case use useSpecVersion value 2.0 and send it request to DQ service

  • DQ_30Guidance: the test case use useSpecVersion value 3.0 and send it request to DQ service

  • DR_NoGuidance: the test case had not useSpecVersion element and default it value to the DR entity spec version.

  • DR_20Guidance: the test case use useSpecVersion value 2.0 and send it request to DR service

  • DR_30Guidance: the test case use useSpecVersion value 3.0 and send it request to DR service



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