The Test Suite is designed to test SAML conformance (assertion attribute statement) for policy engine for all services (G1, G0) using policy engine proxy configuration with SAML java implementation.
Bimodal tests are executed in both (Standard, PassThrough) modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully switch between Standard and PassThrough.
g1 Suite: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement July-2011 specs.
g0 Suite: This test suite is used to test CONNECT auditing functionality that supports the endpoints implement prior to July-2011 specs.
passthrough service skip out on the policy engine.
Currently the test suite is targeting the policy engine (SAML java implementation) for its SAML conformance assertion attribute statement. Passthrough is skipping policy engine check (don't know if passthrough test suite is validated at some point in its testing).
Test Cases Detail (g1, g0, standard and passthrough)
For the following services are run in g1, g0, standard and passthrough:
Document Submission Deferred Request
Document Submission Deferred Response
Document Submission
Patient Discovery Deferred Request
Patient Discovery Deferred Response
Patient Discovery
Document Query
Document Retrieve
Admin Distribution
Each test case verifies a successful service call and ensure the policy engine proxy is config with SAML java implementation for SAML conformance.