


The TestProject is designed to verify attribute (mustUnderstand="True") for soap header (Action, ReplyTo) at the Nhin (Outbound, Inbound) message of the all the CONNECT webservice. This TestProject run under both Standard and Passthrough using JMX.

TestSuite Detail (g1, g0, Standard, Passthrough)

The following TestSuite required the tester to verify mustUnderstand is true for the Action and ReplyTo header are present at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages by checking the server log.


  • Document Submission Deferred (Request): sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Document Submission Deferred (Response): sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Document Submission: sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Patient Discovery Deferred (Request): sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Patient Discovery Deferred (Response): sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Patient Discovery: sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Document Query: sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Document Retrieve: sending service requests and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Admin Distribution: sending service request and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

  • Document Query - Bad URL: sending DQ request with bad adapter endpoint and verify mustUnderstand is true for Action and ReplyTo soap header at the Nhin Outbound and Nhin Inbound messages.

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