Sprint 3 Progress Summary

Sprint 3 Progress Summary

Nov 14th - Nov 28th


Sprint status is good. The CCB meeting was held on November 17 with representatives from SSA and DoD in attendance. Research on how Keep-Alive would be implemented has been completed. New team members have completed setup tasks. SFTP space for secure file exchange has been set up. New members have successfully executed regression tests on SoapUI 5.2 to verify there are no issues with that latest version. We had pulled a task into this sprint to investigate why the validation suite is failing when CXF is upgraded. Some progress was made but the remaining work will be completed as part of the actual CXF upgrade in a future sprint.


JIRA Planning Board of Completed User Stories for Sprint 3:

Related Files for Sprint 3: 

Product Managers Meeting Presentation slide deck
Sprint 3 code tag 
Common-Types source
CONNECT-Webservices source