February 23rd - March 9th
Sprint status is excellent. The Product Team had prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 152 comprising 23 points -
- Partner and Community support
– Forum discussions
– Support for the Federal Agencies
– Community support - X12 Audit Research and Design
– Complete requirements and design
– Create updated version for the NwHIN CAQH Core spec to include agreed upon changes with CMS. - Gateway Properties Refinement and Demonstration
– Complete testing - Technical Stories
– Update CONNECT to use CXF unbundled libraries
– HIMSS demo use case prep
The team completed 30 points this sprint. Planning for the HIMSS demo is underway and the team came up with ideas for the demonstration. A POC client for Healthcare Provider Directories was created with basic functionality to query any HPD server for provider information using a simple search. The team did an in-depth testing to validate both the gateway configuration enhancement as well as the technical story related to the unbundling of CXF jars.
Sprint Themes and related tickets for Sprint 152:
Partner and Community Support
- The team continued to support the community via the CONNECT forum.
CONNECT Development
- Created Healthcare Provider Directory client as a plug-in to query any HPD server with simple queries to validate understanding of the HPD.
- Source code can be found in the plug-in folder.
Switched from CXF-bundle to individual CXF jars on all application servers to avoid dependency conflicts and lessen the CONNECT footprint.
- This was validated on all application servers by conducting installation, regression and interoperability tests to ensure no impacts to functionality or installation.
Nightly build was updated to include automated outbound Direct test that was created last sprint.
- Team also researched how an inbound Direct test could be integrated into the automated build process.
- Team discussed HIMSS demo use case which would be utilizing CONNECT adapters with FHIR integration to demonstrate PD,QD,RD workflow between two gateway systems.
- The FHIR adapters will be included for the Patient Discovery, Document Query, and Document Retrieve services.
- The adapters will act as proxies and data transformers into a FHIR capable server. In order to show integration into any FHIR capable server, we will use an open available web tool as our backend FHIR server.
Fixed issue related to Event table eventtime field not getting populated in Oracle DB (see CONN-1598 for more information)
- Researched tools for Sytem Administration module automation to improve efficiency and productivity of testing. Currently this GUI module is tested manually. With improved level of automation and re-usability in individual test cases as well as in overall test environments the quality of application can be greatly enhanced.
- Researched Watir/Cucumber and Selenium webdrivers. The team will pick one of these tools for future automated tests.
- Successfully deployed CONNECT on WildFly
- More information can be found here - WildFly 8
- Updated CONNECT Readme - https://github.com/CONNECT-Solution/CONNECT/blob/CONNECT_integration/README.md
Admin GUI Gateway configuration updates
- Updated documentation(System Administration manual and associated test cases).
- Minor enhancements made to the style for the gateway configuration page.
- Fixed issue where the logged in user was not being displayed post gateway configuration enhancement.
- Tested the feature on all application servers.
X12 service enhancements
Created a draft version of the NwHIN CAQH CORE X12 Document Submission specification that includes some of the updates during implementation of the specification for CMS/esMD.
- Draft version is here - /wiki/spaces/CONNECTWIKI/pages/32833590
- Design for X12 auditing was completed.
- Draft is here for review - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/x/A4DmAQ
JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 152:
Completed Issues:
Related Files for Sprint 152:
Sprint 152 code tag
Common-Types source
CONNECT-Webservices source