The Product team prioritized the following themes and tasks for Sprint 134 comprising 34 points. Sprint status is fine and the team completed all the tasks for the themes this sprint totaling XX points . These themes included -
In addition to the rest of the themes described above the Product Team will continue its support of the community(Tiani/INHS), ongoing support for VA on their 4.2.1 upgrade, work with OHT and Healtheway product certification testing.
The team completed XX task 18 task oriented tickets totaling XX 34 points this sprint. XX tickets were not completed (CONN-XX, CONN-XX, CONN-XX) and will be moved over to the next sprint.
Sprint Themes and related tickets for Sprint 134:
- Community Implementation support
- Responded to forum posts - http://www.connectopensource.org/developer-resources/forums
- Support VA with 4.2.1 upgrade (CONN-1174,CONN-1179)
- Continued discussions with VA as they work on the 4.2.1 upgrade. Fixed an issue in
- Provided information to the VA implementation team on implementing fan-out with standard mode of the gateway and discussed considerations for the same.
- /wiki/spaces/CONNECTWIKI/pages/17825814
- Continued discussion with CMS on X12 support and understanding requirements (CONN-11541173)
- Discussed at a high level scope and priority.
- Open questions were published for further discussion with CMS contacts particularly around specifications.
- Worked on WSDL definitions and sample message formats for further review with the CMS teams.(CONN-1148)
- Updated wiki Participated in the CMS JAD.
- Presentation can be found here -https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/10190953/CONNECT%20X12.pptx?version=1&modificationDate=1403870671608&api=v2
- Meeting notes can be found here - https://connectopensource.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/10190953/Meeting%20Notes_CMS%20JAD%20June%2023%202014.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1403870645626&api=v2
- Updated requirements page - Support for X12 messaging(Draft)
- Draft story plan for 278 to discuss our understanding with CMS - 278 Story Plan(Draft)
- Need further discussion on WSDL definitions and sample message to discussion our understanding with CMS (CONN-1148)- See wiki page /wiki/spaces/CONNECTWIKI/pages/17203353
- Feature checkpoint for Direct and Admin GUI completed(CONN-1150)All Direct and Admin GUI tickets that have been identified, are created in the backlog associated with the appropriate feature epic and Release 4.4.Follow-up with Tiani/INHS with timestamp/signature validation (CONN-1177)
- Next Release (4.4)
- Direct enhancements
- Converted CONNECTDirectConfig to use HIbernate for database access(CONN-1161, CONN-1139)
- Created test artifacts for Direct test cases using Trust Bundles (CONN-1113)
- Updated Direct design to include message monitoring(CONN-1088)
- Tested Direct config services on all application servers (CONN-729)
- Validated that it works on GlassFish, WebSphere and JBoss.
- Identified a known issue with Auto refresh implementation using camel and will be addressed later.
- CONN-1188 will be addressed later, added to backlog
- Deployment issues were discovered with WebLogic (will be addressed next sprint including retesting on all app servers)
- Admin GUI feature
- Provided a demo to the federal partners during the product manager meeting on what has been accomplished this far on the Admin GUI feature.
- Demo'd Create user, role based access, login, logout,remote gateway transaction display list and a list of sample screens for the Direct config GUI.
- Demo was well received by the partners.
- Admin GUI was successfully tested in IE 8.(CONN-1185)
- Fixed login exceptions (CONN-1099)
- All current PrimeFaces to be updated to Updated all current PrimeFaces pages with the correct CSS for look and feel including Direct Config GUI pages(CONN-1142 and associated tasks, CONN-1189)Left navigation, top navigation, footer, status, account management page1151 and supporting tasks)
- Migrated all Direct Config GUI wireframes to PrimeFaces (CONN-1118)
- Provided a demo to the federal partners during the product manager meeting on what has been accomplished this far on the Admin GUI feature.
- Bug fixes
- Updated test script for PurposeOfUse value in the validation suite to use a supported value.(CONN-1171)
- Direct enhancements