Proposed Themes:
- Finalize Release 4.2 testing plan and complete infrastructure set upTest Plan
- Interoperability updates to Test Plan (CONN-485)
- Final general edits and review to Release 4.2 Test Plan
- Release 4.2 Testing Wiki page: https://developer.connectopensource.org/display/CONNECT4/4.2+Release+Testing
- Work on Testing Infrastructure
- Interoperability lab environments
- Install testing space
- Begin Release 4.2 Testing Testing Continue working on CI tickets or work on Adapter tickets (CONN-424/ 425) needed for certification testing
- Installation testing
- Validation testing
- Interoperability testing •
- Continue working with Healtheway certification test cases (Table 2)
- Any issues found will be addressed on a case by case basis
- testing
- Binary and source installs (CONN-475,486, 494 & 497)
- Interoperability testing
- Regression testing
- CONN-462, 483 & 510
- Adapter Update to Support Testing
- Multiple event codes for Query for Documents (CONN-478)
- testing
- Completed the Healtheway Pilot
- Including some rerun of updated test cases
- Continued working on additional test cases for Healtheway certification (CONN-496)https://developer.connectopensource.org/display/CONNECTWIKI/Table+1+-Test+Cases%28subset%29
Prioritized JIRA Planning Board of Committed User Stories for Sprint 111