The Test Suite verifies the success and failure response of data matching criteria for both services Document Query and Document Retrieve. The Test Suite is run in passthrough, the JMX script is to ensure that the service is in passthrough without the need for server restart.
Test Cases Detail for passthrough
The test cases verify specific matching criteria and assert expected response success or failure.
Document Query TestCases
3.3.1.UT.2 - Find
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
by PatientId (single doc): matching patient id and return single document with success response
3.3.2.UT.2 - Find
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
by PatientId (multiple docs): matching patient id and return multiple documents with success response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- No matching classcode: fail to match classcode and return success empty response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
- classcode one: a single classcode match with multiple documents in a successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- no matching servicestarttime: fail to match document with service starttime from and to, return successful empty response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- matching service starttime: successful match with document on service starttime from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- matching service stoptime: successful match with document on service stoptime from and to, return documents with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- no matching creationtime between: fail to match document with creation time from and to, return successful empty response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- creationtime between: successful match with document creation time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- creationtime left edge: successful match with document creation time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
- creationtime right edge: successful match with document creation time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
3.4.4.UT.2 Class Code & Service Stop Time
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- classCode & serviceStartTime: successful match with class code and service start time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- creationTime & serviceStartTime: successful match with creation time from and to, and service start time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- creationTime & serviceStopTime: successful match with creation time from and to, and service stop time from and to, return document with successful response
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
- creationtime & classCode: successful match with creation time from and to, and class code, return documents with successful response
3.4.7.UT.2 - No Documents Available
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
: no document found patient Id and status type, return successful empty response
3.5.2.UT.2 - No Patient Found
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
Document Query
: no patient found for patient id, return successful empty response
3.5.4.UT.2 - Unknown Stored Query
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
: fail to match store query id and return failure unknown stored query response
Document Retrieve TestCases
Generate HCID for Doc Retrieve
Document Retrieve
- Single Doc: retrieve document with local Home Community ID (HCID), repository and document unique id with single document successful response.
11.3.1.UT.4 - Document Persistence
Generate HCID for Doc Retrieve
Document Retrieve
: retrieve document with local HCID, repository and document unique id with document successful response
- Multiple Doc unique community ID one set
Generate HCID for Doc Retrieve
Document Retrieve
11.3.2.UT.4 Multiple Documents Unique Community ID Multiple Set (Disabled)
Initialize Configurations
Generate HCID for Doc Retrieve
Document Retrieve (Disabled)
: retrieving multiple document unique ids and expecting multiple documents in successful response
Generate HCID for Doc Retrieve
Document Retrieve
3.5.11.UT.2 Missing Patient ID (Disabled)
Initialize Configurations
Document Query (Disabled)
3.5.1.UT.2 Too Many Results (Disabled)
Initialize Configurations
Generate Patient ID for Doc Query
- Missing Document: failure to match the document to document unique ids and return failure response