Downloading CONNECT Binaries and Source Code


CONNECT can be acquired in two ways. A binary download option is provided for each release that makes it easier for community to jump on to the new release. Binaries comes pre-compiled for Wildfly, JbossEAP7, Websphere and Weblogic application servers and can be deployed to the servers immediately. Instructions for deploying CONNECT using binaries can be found here.

A more customizable and flexible option is to download the source code and build to suit your needs. Instruction for building CONNECT from the source are available here: Building CONNECT from Source.

CONNECT Repositories

CONNECT code is structured into three repositories:

  • Common-Types → hosts all the schema elements that CONNECT works with.
  • CONNECT-Webservices →  hosts interfaces (WSDLs) for each web-service CONNECT exposes. CONNECT-Webservices reference schema elements from Common-Types repository.
  • CONNECT → Main code branch that is responsible for creating, sending and receiving requests. It also host code for generating and validating SAML assertions. CONNECTAdminGUI is also part of this repository. This repository depends on both Common-Types and CONNECT-Websevices repositories.

The step by step repository build order when creating or updating a web-services is: 

  1. Build Common-Types
  2. Build CONNECT-Webservices
  3. Build CONNECT

Download CONNECT Source Code by Release

Source Code CONNECT

Download CONNECT Webservices Source Code

Source Code CONNECT Webservices

Download CONNECT Common-Types Source Code

Source Code CONNECT Common-Types

Download CONNECT Binaries by Release

CONNECT Binaries