The TestProject is designed to verify error handling for X12 Document Submission Services. X12 document submission are passthrough only services.
TestSuite and TestCases Detail
The following TestSuite all have the following TestCases having the same issue for different services.
RealTimeTransaction TestCase: X12 Document Submission
BatchSubmit RequestTransaction TestCase: X12 Document Submission Deferred (Request)
BatchSubmit Response Transaction TestCase: X12 Document Submission Deferred (Response)
InvalidXML: sending service requests with Invalid XML message and expecting soap fault.
InvalidSAMLVersion: sending service requests with Invalid SAML Version message and expecting soap fault
NoTargetCommunityData: sending service requests without Nhin target communities element and expecting service error response
AdapterNotReachable: sending service requests with missing adapter endpoint and expecting service error response
InvalidTargetCommunityData: service requests with invalid HCID and expecting service error response.