SoapUI and the Validation Suite

SoapUI and the Validation Suite


As of 5.0, the CONNECT team is testing on SoapUI 4.5.1.  The change was necessitated by improvements to the Validation and Regression suites and the upgrade in CONNECT's Java to 1.7. SoapUI 4.5.1 can be downloaded here.

  • For Windows, download: soapUI-x64-4.5.1.exe.
  • For Unix, download: soapui-4.5.1-linux-bin.zip.

Required Jar(s)

Copy the following jar to soapui-4.5.1\lib

  • FileUtils-<VERSION>-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • mysql-connector-jave-5.1.10.jar

Copy the FileUtils jar from the SoapUI_Test to the soapui lib directory.

 $ copy C:\<4.0 clone directory>\CONNECT\Product\SoapUI_Test\FileUtils\target\FileUtils-<VERSION>-SNAPSHOT.jar C:\Users\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-4.5.1\lib

Copy the MySQL Connector jar into the soapui lib directory.  It is located in the maven repository (typically in your user home).

 $ copy C:\Users\<YOU>\.m2\repositories\mysql\mysql-connector-java\5.1.10\mysql-connector-jave-5.1.10.jar C:\Users\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-4.5.1\lib

Validation Suite

Important note regarding UDDIConnectionInfo.xml and internalConnectionInfo.xml

As of CONNECT 5.1, both files have been replaced with the more versatile exchangeInfo.xml and internalExchangeInfo.xml files. For users of CONNECT 5.0 and earlier versions, substitute references to these new files with the original uddiConnectionInfo.xml and internalConnectionInfo.xml files

The SoapUI projects used to validate a working CONNECT installation can be found at: <5.3 clone directory>/CONNECT/Product/SoapUI_Test/ValidationSuite.

The Validation Suite tests all CONNECT services in all combinations of the spec versions (g0/g1) and gateway processing.

The services tested are:

  • Patient Discovery
  • Patient Discovery Deferred Request
  • Patient Discovery Deferred Response
  • Document Query
  • Document Retrieve
  • Document Submission
  • Document Submission Deferred Request
  • Document Submission Deferred Response
  • Admin Distribution
  • DocumentDataSubmission (disabled)
  • Patient Location Query

In order to target endpoints and make configuration settings to the gateway, the NHIN config directory in the server must be know to the test project.  This information is captured in a custom SoapUI property at the project level: GatewayPropDir.  The property can be seen below in the SoapUI GUI.


Alternatively, as of CONNECT 4.5.0, you can set the GatewayPropDir key/value pair in the global SoapUI properties.

The Validation Suite is now set up to be automated through maven.  Directions are here.


As mentioned earlier, the Validation Suite has a dependency on a utility jar named FileUtils.  Upon examination of the soapui projects, you will find numerous references in the groovy scripts to nhinc.FileUtils. 

The FileUtils class includes methods that allow for file manipulation (copy, read, update) for the configuration files used by the testing suites for CONNECT.  For a full description of the java class, you can download the javadocs.  Unzip the folder and open the index.html to review.