Sprint 190 Progress Summary

Sprint 190 Progress Summary

Aug 8th - Aug 22nd


Sprint status is excellent, as the team prepares for release of CONNECT 4.7. The team focused on release testing and completed regression, installation, interoperability and testing with external environments ie.,  DIL and NIST. A new release candidate tag (RC2) was created. CONNECT 4.7 will be released early September. Additionally, the team has completed all tasks related to QA of connectopensource.org migration to healthit.gov. This site will go live early September.

Sprint review slides can be found here.


JIRA Planning Board of Completed User Stories for Sprint 190:

Related Files for Sprint 190: 

Sprint 190 (CONNECT 4.7 RC2) code tag 

Common-Types source

CONNECT-Webservices source