Deploying CONNECT with AdminGUI from Binaries

Deploying CONNECT with AdminGUI from Binaries


As of CONNECT 5.2, the Admin GUI functionality is ported to webservices (with the exception of User Management functionality) in an effort to deploy AdminGUI war in a container server separate from the container server housing the CONNECT EAR. This support is determined during compilation time and configured as optional components of the CONNECT EAR. If these Admin GUI web services are not included in the CONNECT EAR, the Admin GUI will not be able to fully communicate with the container server housing the CONNECT EAR. In this case, the Admin GUI may still deploy and render, but no results will be returned on most pages. Community interested in using Admin GUI should deploy CONNECT.ear from CONNECT-ADMINWS-<version>-<server>.zip. 

If building from source, use "admingui" profile during maven build if planning to use Admin GUI.