Configurable Options
Configurable Options
CONNECT is a robust and secure messaging platform because of its adherence to standards and specifications. Configurable options are carefully considered and designed before implementation. The following configurable options provide users flexibility without compromising security and interoperability:
- Configuring CONNECT Security and Certificate
- Gateway Properties
- Adapter Properties
- Keep-Alive and Custom HTTP Headers
- SAML Properties
- TLS Version for UDDI Downloads
- Database-less CONNECT Deployment
- Large Payload and CAQH Core X12 Setup
- Configuration of Logging Context
- Direct Installation for CONNECT Adopters
- Installing Postfix and Dovecot as Direct Mail Servers
- Installing Sylpheed Email Client for Direct Exchange
- Setting up a CONNECT Direct Mail Poller
- Creating Direct Anchors, Trust Bundles and Keystores
- Configuring Direct and Adding Anchors, Trust Bundles and Trust Stores With the System Administration Module
- Sending and Receiving Direct Messages