Importing the eHealth Exchange Chain of Trust
We install ehealth exchange certificate for all public facing servers. Below is the instructions to install and verify. Now, before we start this process we need to have two things - Reference Code and Authorization code
Backup - do this if you are replacing an existing certificate with a new certificate
Backup whole existing keystore and individual cert.
cp gateway.jks gateway.jks-yyyyMMdd keytool -export -alias gateway -file gateway.crt -keystore gateway.jks
Remove old certificate - do this if you are replacing an existing certificate with a new certificate
Below example is removing just gateway certs but if the chained gateway cert is installed then remove all individual certs from both gateway and cacerts
keytool -delete -alias gateway -keystore gateway.jks keytool -delete -alias gateway -keystore cacerts.jks
Verify Old certification - do this if you are replacing an existing certificate with a new certificate
keytool -list -v -keystore gateway.jks -alias gateway keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts.jks -alias gateway Note: once we run remove old certification steps, those steps above should give us error to indicate the alias doesn't exist
Generate new Key - do this if you NEED a new certificate
PROD: keytool -genkey -alias gateway -keyalg RSA -keystore gateway.jks -dname "CN=<reference number>, OU=NHIN, O=HHS-ONC, C=US" -validity 365 -keysize 2048 VAL: keytool -genkey -alias gateway -keyalg RSA -keystore gateway.jks -dname "CN=<reference number>, OU=NHIN-test, O=nhin, C=US" -validity 365 -keysize 2048
Generate CSR
keytool -certreq -alias gateway -keystore gateway.jks -file gateway-yyyyMMdd.csr
Get Certificate (CSR reply from link in the Ehex Instructions)
With this link you need to provide - Reference number, Authorization code and provide CSR to generate CSR Reply and copy that to one the file. For example "gateway.pem"
Import CSR to gateway certificate
NOTE: If you created a new key store, make sure to import the intermediate and root certificates before proceeding
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias gateway -file gateway.pem -keystore gateway.jks
This is NOT importing a new SSL certificate to replace what is currently in the key store. This is importing a CSR reply to allow for existing root certificate to be chained to the intermediate and root certificates.
Now, if you see any error after running above command for "chain certificate not found or something can't relate to chained certificate" then you need to generate to get the chained certificate as mentioned below.
- Open up gateway.pem or the file you copied that "CSR reply" in Keystore Explorer.
- After opening that file you should be able to see "Authority Information Access" => extension value and you should be able to get a link to download a certificate For Ex: "URI:"
- Download the certificate and then open it in the Keystore Explorer and check if you see the full chained certificate until you reach the AKI of "gateway.pem" => Extensions
- If you don't see the full chain then just go ahead and open and check each and every chained cert's if you find "Authority Information Access" having a link to download further chain. Here is snapshot of how it looks like:
Also, in order to get chained cert you can also run openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -text -print_certs -in /tmp/cert/[nameofthecert].p7c ( you can get the certificate and examine in keystore explorer and see if you can get the full chain)
Once full chain is decided and cert files are copied made ready
Import Certs to gateway
Always start importing from root to Gateway.pem
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias gateway-root -file /tmp/cert/cert3.pem -keystore gateway.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias gateway-intermediate -file /tmp/cert/cert3.pem -keystore gateway.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias gateway -file /tmp/cert/gateway.pem -keystore gateway.jks
Note: for root cert import it should ask for trusting the certificate but for the rest of the chain cert it should not ask for trusting the cert. If asked the wrong chain is updated.
Export Certs from gateway to cacerts
keytool -export -alias gateway-root -keystore gateway.jks -rfc -file gateway-root-20150916.pem keytool -export -alias gateway-intermediate -keystore gateway.jks -rfc -file gateway-intermediate-20150916.pem keytool -export -alias gateway -keystore gateway.jks -rfc -file gateway-20150916.pem
Import certs to cacerts
Import certs in the same order you do for the gateway.jks. Start from root to the end.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file gateway-root-20150916.pem -alias gateway-root -keystore cacerts.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -file gateway-intermediate-20150916.pem -alias gateway-intermediate -keystore cacerts.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -file gateway-20150916.pem -alias gateway -keystore cacerts.jks