Adapter Properties

Adapter Properties

Version History:

Version#DateModified ByDescription of Modification
1.05/19/2015Sailaja AdusumilliDescription of each property in CONNECT adapter.properties.


The adapter.properties configuration file is used to hold reference adapter specific properties. Note that all properties are pre-populated when CONNECT is deployed. Adopters can edit property values as needed but should avoid setting the value to null or deleting the property altogether. 

Before deployment, the adapter.properties file can be found in the \CONNECT\Product\Production\Common\Properties\src\main\resources directory. This file must remain in the same NHIN configuration directory as the other CONNECT NHIN configuration files regardless where they are copied to during deployment/production.

Parameters Table

The table below lists adapter property settings and their usage in CONNECT. Included description of each property, usage and post update.

Property NameDescriptionUsage Details

The unique Assigning authority id (OID) for the Agency.

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior

Format :<assigning authority OID>

Pre-configured value: 1.1 (must be changed)

System usage: assigningAuthorityId is a unique identifier (OID) based on its HL7 definition. The Assigning Authority is responsible for issuing patient identifiers for patients managed by the community. In standard mode, PD correlations are created between patientAssigningAuthorityId's patientId and correlatedPatientAssigngingAuthorityid's (AA OID) PatientId.

This property value is used in HL7 custodiantransforms , HL7 messageId generator. Custodian's assignedEntity element and messageId's root element are set by assigningAuthorityId. While creating HL7 ack message, this property value is used to set the localDeviceId.

When Initiating gateway initiates a PD request, the assigningauthorityid is retrieved from the AuthorOrPerformer element in the PD request message in order to create aa and hcid mapping for the correlation. Similarly when responding gateway sends PD response, assigningauthorityid is retrieved from subject element in the PD response message to create AA and HCID mapping for the correlation for the responding gateway. AssigningauthorityId value is stored in the database in either case, i.e. while creating aa mapping and while adding PD correlations. For aa mapping, the assigningauthorityID stored in assigningauthoritydb.aa_to_home_community_mapping table:assigningauthorityid field. While adding correlations the assigningauthorityID stored in PatientCorrelationDB.correlatedidentifiers table: correlatedPatientAssignAuthId field.

If this is not provided correctly the Gateway will not function as expected. Post update, application server restart is required to reflect change.

XDSbHomeCommunityIdThe home community ID for the document repository associated with this adapter.

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior

Format : urn:oid:1.1 <home community OID>

Pre-configured value: urn:oid:1.1 (must be changed)

System usage: XDSbHomeCommunityId property used in Document Repository core service. During Adapter Document Query or Document Retrieve process, XDSbHomeCommunityId and adapter document repository service name (adapterxdsbdocrepository) are used to get the endpoint URL for the passed in adapter service name. If this is not provided correctly the Gateway will not function as expected. Post update, application server restart is required to reflect change.



Determines list of supported Mime Types by the local adapter for the Cross Enterprise Document Push (XDR).

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior. 

Format : Semi-colon delimited list of Mime Types. 

Pre-configured value:  text/xml;application/pdf 

System usage: XDR.SupportedMimeTypes property is used in Document Submission Core service. When validating inbound ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest/XDR message the metadata provided in the message is compared against this value to determine if the adapter supports the mime type in the submission. If the mime types are not supported, CONNECT logs a registry error including error code, severity and creates error response. Post update, application server restart is required to reflect change.


Determines whether to turn on or off the Patient ID validation in incoming XDR message.

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior

Acceptable values: true, false

Pre-configured value: true

System Usage: XDR.CheckPatientIDMatch property is used in Document Submission Core Service. When validating inbound ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest/XDR message, (incoming XDR) metadata message, If the property value set to true, there is a check to see if all the patient id's referenced in metadata (which are known to the receiving NHIE) are all matched or not. If the property value set to false, Connect reset the flag to true to do a check for patient id's referenced in metadata are matched are not. If the patient Id's do not match, CONNECT logs a registry error including error code, severity and creates error response. Post update, application server restart is required to reflect change.

x12.realtime.doc.fileThis property is for retrieving X12 RealTime payload

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior. 

Format : valid payload file path

Pre-configured value:  C:/Temp/payload.txt

System usage: x12.realtime.doc.file property is used for internal payload testing only. While creating mock X12Realtime adapter response, payload is built by retrieving value from this property and set to xml payload element. Post update, application server restart is required to reflect change.

logWsdlPingDetermines whether or not to log pinged WSDLS in AdminGUI

Required: This property requires a value for proper/stable behavior

Acceptable values: true, false

Pre-configured value: false

System Usage: logWsdlPing property is used in AdminGUI Ping Service. This property is used to check whether to log pinged service WSDL details or not. By default the flag value set to false. If it is true, the pinged service WSDL details will be logged in application server's log file. Post update, Application server restart is required to reflect change. Sample PD-service pinged wsdl details can be found here: PD-logWsdlPing.xml

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