


DocQueryErrorCodesStandard project is used to test Document Query service error handling functionality for Patient Id. When an unknown or invalid PatientID passed in Document Query request message, no correlations are present for that patient and an error ""XDSUnknownPatientId" should be returned. It is accomplished by processing Document Query request with XDSDocumentEntryPatientId element. 

Testing will be done in standard mode. 

Test case details:

  • XDSUnknownPatientId: 

    This test case is used to test Document Query service when the PatientID value passed as "unknown" in the $XDSDocumentEntryPatientId slot. When this test case is executed, the script will update "documentQueryQuerySelf" property to false in gateway.properties configuration file. Script will also update patientcorrelationdb.correlatedidentifiers , assigningauthoritydb.aa_to_home_community_mapping tables with a valid patientId, assigning authority and correlationId values (PatientId not as "unknown").  When Document Query service test step is processed, it returns RegistryError response with errorCode as "XDSUnknownPatientId", codeContext as "no patient correlations found"  and coded indication of the severity of the error.  Using assertions script will verify request's response to make sure expected elements with relevant values are present in RegistryError element.

NOTE: To read more about Document Query error handing follow Nhin Document Query error Handling Spec.  

Preparation & Execution:

  1. Make sure to copy CONNECT common properties from \\CONNECT\Product\Production\Common\Properties\src\main\resources to application server properties folder. (If using WildFly 8.2.1 , copy into \\wildfly-8.2.1.Final\modules\system\layers\base\org\connectopensource\configuration\main).
  2. Make sure to enable Standard mode for DQ service in gateway.properties. Note: By default Document Query services are in Standard mode in gateway.properties.
  3. Restart application server.
  4. Deploy CONNECT ear (mvn clean install -P AD,PD,DQ,DR,DS).
  5. In SoapUI, make sure to have GatewayPropDir value set either by using global SOAPUI properties or by setting custom SOAPUI property at the project level.
  6. In SoapUI, load DocQueryErrorCodesStandard project and execute.
  7. Make sure all test cases are passed and green.