

Currently the test only assert that the PD Service operated successfully and does not verify whether the username is optional. To verify X509SubjectName is being used, must be verified manually in the server-log. Currently, the optional (username) does not have any noticeable service response to verify.

Also the mock-adapter does not have any affect over the outcome of the test.


PDSAMLIssuerWithX509SubjectNameTest project is used to verify that assertion (username) is optional. Verify that the Patient Discovery (PD) request message can be sent with and without username element and value. CONNECT application will replace the invalid (username) value with X509 Subject Name.

Patient Discovery

Sending the PD request message with a valid (username) value and verify the service is successful.

Patient Discovery-Cert

Sending the PD request message with a invalid (username) value and verify the service is successful.

Manually verify that the X509SubjectName is being used.

Patient Discovery-NoElement

Sending the PD request message with no element (username) and verify the service is successful.

Manually verify that the X509SubjectName is being used.