Audit Properties Editor Testing

Audit Properties Editor Testing

Version#DateModified ByDescription of Modification
1.010/30/2018Paul TambelliniInitial Version


The following steps are for testing CONNECT gateway configuration functionality.

Test Environment Setup:

  1. Deploy CONNECT ear (mvn clean install -P AD,PD,DQ,DR,DS,Direct,admingui) and AdminGUI war
  2. Successfully execute ConnectValidation suite before running AdminGUI test cases
  3. Browse to http://localhost:8080/CONNECTAdminGUI


Expand the Properties menu in the left navigation panel, select Gateway, and execute the following tests:

Test ScenarioTest StepsExpected Results
Navigate to Audit Properties configuration tab
  1. Select Properties -> Audit from the left navigation panel

User will be able to see Audit Properties tab with a list of available properties.

The Audit tab shows list of property rows with below fields:

1.Key : keys from the gateway.properties file
2.Description: Property description, defined as comments in the gateway.properties file
3.Value: property value.

Edit Property Value
  1. In the LogToDatabase row, click on the Value in the far right column. Change the value to false.
  2. Check audit.properties and verify that the value is false
  3. In the LogToDatabase row, click on the Value in the far right column. Change the value to true.
  4. Check audit.properties and verify that the value is true.

When a value is changed, an info box will appear describing the change that has just been made. In this case, you will see the following two messages:

  • INFOProperty value changed for LogToDatabase from true to false.
  • INFOProperty value changed for LogToDatabase from true to false.