Test Data Loader Testing

Test Data Loader Testing

Version History:

Modified By
Description of Modification
1.010/31/18Paul TambelliniInitial Version


The following steps are for testing CONNECT Test Data functionality.Test Data Loader is a tool to add multiple data for testing conditions. 

Test Environment Setup:

  1. Deploy CONNECT ear (mvn clean install -P AD,PD,DQ,DR,DS,X12,admingui) and AdminGUI war
  2. Successfully execute ConnectValidation suite before running AdminGUI-Test Data Loader test cases
  3. Browse to http://localhost:8080/CONNECTAdminGUI/

Test Data Loader:

Expand the Test Data menu in the left navigation panel.

Test ScenarioTest StepsExpected Results
Test Data left navigation menu availability
  1. Click on Test Data from left navigation panel
  2. Click on Test Patients  

Only "Test Patients" and "Test Documents"  menu item should appear under "Test Data".

Under "Test Data", "Test Patients" tab should be highlighted and "Manage Patients" table with column headers (Patient Id, Last Name, First Name, Birth Date, Gender) and Radio button next to each row. "New" button is enabled and "View/Edit", "Duplicate", "Delete" button disabled. 

Enable Buttons and create new Patient record.
  1. Click on radio button on top record.
  2. Click on "New" button.
  3. Leave all fields blank and click "Save".
  4. Enter all required fields and click "Save".
  5. Click on "X" on upper right hand side. 

Clicking on radio button enables  the "View/Edit", "Duplicate", and "Delete" buttons. 

Clicking on "New" button opens "Create Patient" modal window with an accordian having a "Basic Info" opened and "Additional Names", "Identifiers", "Addresses", "Phone Numbers" disabled.

Clicking on "Save" with all blank fields, an alert message pops up with all fields with a star next to them, denoting required field, stating they are a required field. Text boxes should also be highlighted in red.

"Save patient basic-info successful." message displayed. "Additional Names", "Identifiers", "Addresses", and "Phone Numbers" accordians are enabled. 

New patient should be displayed in table. 

Look in patientdb.patient, patientdb.identifier, patientdb.patientname have the new patient record in them.

Edit patient.
  1. Select new patient and click on "View Edit" button. 
  2. Click on "Additional Names" and, leaving all fields blank, click on "Save Additional Name". Click Clear.
  3. Enter Required Fields and click "Save Additional Name".
  4. Select new Additional Name and click "Edit" button.
  5. Enter new Data or edit required fields, and click "Save Additional Name".
  6. Select new Additional Name and click "Delete". Click yes when child modal alert ask "Do you want to delete this record?".
  7.   Repeat for Identifiers, Addresses, Phone Numbers.

"Edit Patient" Modal window pops up. Additional Names accordian displays.

 Clicking on "Save Additional Name" with all blank fields, error message pops up with all fields with a star next to them, denoting required field, stating they are a required field. Text boxes should also be highlighted in red. Message and highlighted text boxes are removed.

"Save additional-name successful." alert message displayed.

Additional Name info is displayed in table.

Deleted record is no longer displayed in table.

Monitor records in patientdb.patientname 

Also patientdb.identifier for Identifiers, patientdb.address for Addresses, patientdb.phonenumber for Phone Numbers.

Duplicate Patient
  1. Select new patient and click on "Duplicate" Button.
  2. Change Patient ID. Click Save.
Edit Patient Modal window pops up. New patient record is displayed in table.
Test "Test Documents" 
  1. Click on Document tab under "Test Data".
  2. Click on "New" button.
  3. Leave all fields blank and click "Save".
  4. Enter all required fields and click "Save".
  5. Click on "X" on upper right hand side. 

Clicking on radio button enables  the "View/Edit", "Duplicate", and "Delete" buttons. 

Clicking on "New" button opens "Create Document" modal window with an accordion titled "Document Info Required" opened and "Document Info Optional" and "Event Codes" disabled.

Clicking on "Save" with all blank fields, error message pops up with all fields with a star next to them, denoting required field, stating they are a required field. Text boxes should also be highlighted in red.

"Save document info successful." alert message displayed. "Document Info Optional" and "Event Codes" accordion are enabled. 

New document should be displayed in table. 

Look in docrepository.docrepository and docrepository.docregistry have the new document record.

Edit Document.

  1. Select new Document and click on "View/Edit" button. 
  2. Click on "Document Info Optional" and do not enter any data..  Click on "Save".  Enter data into any field.  Click on "Save". 
  3. Click on "Event Codes". Leave all fields blank.  click "Edit" button.
  4. Enter new Data or edit required fields, and click "Save Event Code". Click "Clear". Enter event code and click "Save Event Code".
  5. Select new Event Code and click "Edit".  Add additional data and  click "Save Event Code."
  6. Select new Event Code and click "Delete". Click yes when child modal alert ask "Do you want to delete this record?".

Edit Document modal window pops up. Document Info Optional accordion does not display error message when clicking "Save" on empty fields. After entering data and clicking "Save", message alert "Save document info successful." is displayed.

Leaving Event Code fields empty, error message alert "Code required." is displayed. After entering data and saving, "Save an eventcode successful." message alert is displayed and record is displayed in table. 

Check in docrepository.eventcode for new records, editing records and deleting.

Duplicate Document
  1. Select new document and click on "Duplicate" Button.
  2. Change Document ID. Click Save. Click "X" in upper right hand corner.

Edit Document Modal window pops up.  New document record is displayed in table.

Delete Document
  1. Select new document and click on "Delete" button.
  2. Click on "Yes" when child modal alert asks "Do you want to delete this record?"

Document is deleted from table and in db,  docrepository.docrepository and docrepository.docregistry.

Delete patient with Documents
  1. Click on Patient tab. Select new patient and click on "Delete". Click "Yes" when child modal alert asks "WARNING: All documents linked to this patient record will also be deleted. Continue delete?"
  2. Check in Documents tab that all documents for the patient just deleted are gone. 
  3. Check in docrepository.docrepository, docrepository.docregistry, docrepository.eventcode, patientdb.patient, patientdb.identifier, patientdb.patientname, patientdb.address and patientdb.phonenumber that all patient records have been deleted. 
Patient ID and documents are removed.