Audit Search

Audit Search

Version History:

Modified By
Description of Modification
1.03/1/2016Sailaja AdusumilliInitial Version
1.14/11/2019Eric McDonaldText corrections


The following steps are for testing CONNECT Audit Search functionality.Audit Search is a tool to view and search/filter audit logging events from the System Administration Module without logging into database to track events. 

Test Environment Setup:

  1. Deploy CONNECT ear (mvn clean install -P PD,DQ,DR,DS,AD,X12,DDS,DDQ,jboss7,was,weblogic,DB,admingui) and AdminGUI war
  2. Successfully execute ConnectValidation suite before running AdminGUI-Audit Search test cases
  3. Browse to http://localhost:8080/CONNECTAdminGUI/

Audit Search:

Expand the Logging menu in the left navigation panel, select Audit search, and execute the following tests:

Test ScenarioTest StepsExpected Results
Audit Search left navigation menu availability
  1. Click on Logging from left navigation panel. Click on Audit Search.

Audit Search and Failure Logging menu items should appear under Logging.

Audit search without providing search parameters in "Search Wizard" under the Audit Search Tab.
  1. Leave all fields blank under Search Wizard and click the Search button.

If audit records are present in auditrepo.auditrepository table, then list of all the rows will be displayed under "Audit Records Found" table with below information:

(Date, Service, Org Name, Requester, Direction, MessageID, RelatesTo, Audit XML)

  1. Under "Audit Records Found" each audit row will have "View XML" button enabled.

Audit Search by providing one or more values in Search Wizard under Audit Search Tab.
  1. Click the text box of Start Time and select the desired start time.     
  2. (The calendar box next to the text box can be also be used to choose the desired start time.)
  3. Click the text box of End Time and select the desired end time.
  4. (The calendar box next to the text box can be also be used to choose the desired end time.)
  5. Leave Requester/User text field blank.
  6. Select the service from "Service" drop down list.
  7. Select the organization from "Organization" drop down list.
  8. Click on Search button.
  9. To tally found audit results, check the auditepo.auditrepository  table using the credentials that were entered above; Query return results should match to the results displayed on the screen.

If audit records are present in auditrepo.auditrepository table, then list of all the rows will be displayed under "Audit Records Found" table with below information:

(Date, Service, Org Name, Requester, Direction, MessageID, RelatesTo, Audit XML)

  1. Under "Audit Records Found" each audit row will have "View XML" button enabled.

If no audit rows found, under the "Patient Search" tab, the user will see a "Audit Records not Found" message.

Audit Search by providing messageId & RelatesTo in Search Wizard under Audit Search Tab.
  1. Enter messageId in "MessageId" text field.
  2. Enter relatesTo in "RelatesTo" text field.
  3. Click on Search button.
  4. To tally found audit results, check the auditepo.auditrepository  table using the credentials that were entered above; Query return results should match to the results displayed on the screen.

If audit records are present in auditrepo.auditrepository table, then list of all the rows will be displayed under "Audit Records Found" table with below information:

(Date, Service, Org Name, Requester, Direction, MessageID, RelatesTo, Audit XML)

  1. Under "Audit Records Found" each audit row will have "View XML" button enabled.

If no audit rows found, under the "Patient Search" tab, the user will see a "Audit Records not Found" message.

Audit Search by providing "Start time, End time, Requester/user, service, Organization" and "relatesTo, MessageId" in "Search Wizard" under search Tab
  1. Click text box of Start Time and select the desired start time.
  2. Click text box of End Time and select the desired end time. 
  3. Enter Requester/user in "Requester/user" text field.
  4. Select the service from "Service" dropdown list.
  5. Select the organization from "Organization" dropdown list.
  6. Enter messageId in "MessageId" text field.
  7. Enter relatesTo in "RelatesTo" text field.
  8. Click on Search button.
  9. To tally found audit results, check the auditrepo.auditrepository table using the credentials that were entered in "MessageId", "RelatesTo" columns above: Query return results should match tot he results displayed on the screen.
    NOTE: When user provide "Start time, End time, Requester/user, service, Organization" and "relatesTo, MessageId" values for search, relatesTo & MessageId combination is considered as priority for Audit query and query returns results based on relatesTo & messageId match criteria.

If audit records are present in auditrepo.auditrepository table, then list of all the rows will be displayed under "Audit Records Found" table with below information:

(Date, Service, Org Name, Requester, Direction, MessageID, RelatesTo, Audit XML)

  1. Under "Audit Records Found" each audit row will have "View XML" button enabled.

If no audit rows found, under the "Audit Search" tab, the user will see a "Audit Records not Found" message.

View Audit Blob Message
  1. Click the "View XML" button from the "Audit Records found" table.
  2. To close the dialogue window, click "X" on right top corner of dialogue window.
  1. User will see a child dialogue window with Audit Blob details. The dialogue window shows a formatted audit xml message.
  2. After closing the dialogue window, the user will be back at the parent window's "Audit Records Found" tab and can view other rows Blob data.

User attempts to search by providing Start time and End time
  1. Enter / select start time from "Start time" text field.
  2. Enter / select End time lesser than starttime from "End Time" text field.
  3. Click on Search button.

User will see an alert message showing " The EndTime should be greater than startTime".

Validation of messageId, RelatesTo and Requester/User
  1. Enter messageId as "$$$$@##@" in messageId text field.
  2. Enter Requester/User as "&&&&&" in Requester/User field.
  3. Click on Search button.

User will see an alert message showing below Messages:

"Enter valid MessageId"

"Enter valid Requester/User"

user attempts to select limited rows to display for a page
  1. In "Audit Search records found" page, from pagination dropdown select 30 rows to display for a page.

User will see 30 rows display for a page.


  • As of (3/2/2016) AuditSearch tab covers only happy path testing. There are tickets opened in back log to address negative test cases and front end validations. (FHAC-885 , FHAC-744, FHAC-758, FHAC-861). This wiki will be updated after addressing negative testcases / validations functionality for AuditSearch tab. 
  • Audit Search on messageId will look for all audit records that start with "urn:uuid:" . As per specifications messageID format will be "urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx:xxxx:xx"

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