NHINC Receiving XDRA sync Request Tests
The TestSuite is design to verify CONNECT configuration with Document Submission (DS) Deferred Request, the test case run DS deferred request with passthrough outbound and standard inbound and inbound policy engine with permit and deny. This TestSuite, JMX script is to ensure that gateway is operated on standard and the DS Deferred request outbound service is in passthrough without the need for server restart and using the Spring dependency to change policy engine to permit or deny.
Test Cases Detail for DS Deferred request passthrough inbound and standard outbound
The test cases verify RequestAccepted acknowledgement from the DS deferred request for both permit and deny policy engine.
For Deny policy workflow, manually verify the request is send to error adapter (AdapterDocSubmissionDeferredRequestError)
PolicyCheckDeny: sending DS deferred request with policy engine configured Deny, manually verify error adapter endpoint
PolicyCheckPermit: sending DS deferred request with policy engine configured Permit
AuditForNHINCXDRRequest: sending DS deferred request with policy engine configured Permit and verify audit logging.