The Test Suite uses the mock adapter to verify Document Query Additional Stored Queries.
The TestSuite is run in passthrough.
The JMX script is to ensure that the service is in passthrough without the need for server restart.
Test Cases Detail for passthrough
The test cases send Additional Stored Queries in Document Query (DQ) service and verify the Additional Stored Queries from the mock adapter; update the endpoint for mock adapter, send DQ request and verify successful service response and additional stored queries.
findDocumentsTestCase: verifies XDSDocumentEntryPatientId and XDSDocumentEntryStatus
FindSubmissionSetsTestCase: verifies XDSSubmissionSetPatientId and XDSSubmissionSetStatus
FindFoldersTestCase: verifies XDSFolderPatientId and XDSFolderStatus
GetFoldersTestCase: verify XDSFolderEntryUUID
GetAllTestCase: verifies patientId, XDSDocumentEntryStatus, XDSSubmissionSetStatus and XDSFolderStatus
GetFoldersForDocumentTestCase: verify XDSDocumentEntryEntryUUID
GetDocumentsTestCase: verify XDSDocumentEntryEntryUUID
GetAssociationsTestCase: verify uuid
GetDocumentsAndAssociationsTestCase: verifies uuid and XDSFolderEntryUUID
GetSubmissionSetsTestCase: verify uuid
GetSubmissionSetAndContentsTestCase: verify XDSSubmissionSetEntryUUID
GetFolderAndContentsTestCase: verify XDSFolderEntryUUID
GetSubmissionSetsTestCase: verify AssociationTypes