Core Services and Features

Core Services and Features

  • CONNECT Core Services and Components
    • Patient Discovery (PD)Locate patients based on demographic information
    • Query for Documents (QD)Locate electronic health information, represented by documents, associated with a specific patient that conforms to a set of query criteria
    • Retrieve Document (RD)Retrieve specific electronic health information as documents associated with a subject
    • Document Submission (DS)Submit patient-specific documents when they become available without the need for a request or query
    • Core X12 Document Submission (X12DS)Submit patient-specific documents when they become available without the need for a request or query
    • Admin Distribution (AD)Submit non-patient-specific documents when they become available without the need for a request or query
    • NHIN Authorization Frameworkspecifies various elements to be used by other NHIN services to define the pimary means of communication and protocols needed to establish a messaging, security, and privacy foundation for the NHIN
  • CONNECT Key Features
    • Multiple certificate supportOne CONNECT instance can facilitate secure message exchange for multiple exchanges with CONNECT multiple certificate support.
    • KeepAlive and CustomHeadersCONNECT can be configured to add Keep-Alive headers to all outgoing requests or on a single request as indicated by assertion block in entity message. 
    • Test Data Loadera feature available through CONNECT Admin GUI, helps manage test data for CONNECT reference implementation.
    • Cross Gateway Query ClientThe Cross-Gateway Query Client, an Admin GUI functionality, is a testing tool that is used to validate and test data exchange services like Patient Discovery, Query for Documents and Retrieve Documents.
    • Webservice Proxy ConfigurationCONNECT provides timeout and retry configurable options.
    • Configurable Webservice RegistryCONNECT can download webservice registry from both UDDI and FHIR STU3 compliant directory.
    • Database-less DeploymentCONNECT can facilitate a database-less deployment, in pass-through mode,  for environments and/or clients that do not want to use databases.
    • Exchange Overridingallows users the flexibility of overriding exchange endpoints for a particular community locally.
    • Exchange Targeting allow users to send a request to an organization in a particular exchange
    • Import Wizarda CONNECT Admin GUI functionality,  partly automates the process of creating a new certificate and importing CA certs into CONNECT configuration
    • Exchange Management GUIprovides a way for user to view/edit Exchange information, refresh/download Exchange information and to view and manage connections to remote partners/gateways
    • Audit Logging Configurationallow user to enable/disable audit logging on a service by service basis
  • Feature and Enhancements Matrix by Release