Exchange Targeting

Exchange Targeting

CONNECT allow users to send a request to an organization in a particular exchange. This feature is called Exchange Targeting.  Exchange name is an optional field, if not provided the request will go out to defaultExchange defined in exchangeInfo.xml.  This is different from fan-out. In fan-out the same request is sent to all organizations in a community if there is no home community id defined in the request.  

A new <exchangeName> element has been added to the <NhinTargetCommunities> block to enable users to specify a particular exchange for targeting. If no exchange is specified, the default exchange will be used. 

exchangeInfo sample for Exchange Targetting
          <urn1:description>TARGET ORGANIZATION</urn1:description>
          <urn1:homeCommunityId>TARGET HCID</urn1:homeCommunityId>
          <urn1:name>TARGET ENDPOINT</urn1:name>