


The Test Suite is designed to simulate a negative document repository adapter response for the Document Retrieve (DR) service.

Bimodal tests are executed in both (Standard, PassThrough) modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully switch between Standard and PassThrough.

Test Cases Detail for standard and passthrough (DR)

Each test case simulates an error status with mock adapter for document respository and look for specify error code in the document retrieve response.

  • XDSRegistryError TestCase: simulate and verify XDSRegistryError response.

  • XDSRegistryBusy TestCase: simulate and verify XDSRegistryBusy response.

  • XDSRegistryOutOfResources TestCase: simulate and verify XDSRegistryOutOfResources response.

  • XDSTooManyResults TestCase: simulate and verify XDSTooManyResults response.

  • XDSUnknownStoredQuery TestCase: simulate and verify XDSUnknownStoredQuery response.

  • XDSStoredQueryMissingParam TestCase: simulate and verify XDSStoredQueryMissingParam response.

  • XDSStoredQueryParamNumber TestCase: simulate and verify XDSStoredQueryParamNumber response.

PartialSuccess TestCase: in the case of Partial Success verify the response status.