The Test Suite is to verify successful Document Query (DQ) spec version (2.0 and 3.0) with exchangeInfo version configuration g1 and g0.
Bimodal tests are executed in both (Standard, PassThrough) modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully switch between Standard and PassThrough.
g0: exchangeInfo PD only entity version 2.0
g1: exchangeInfo PD both entity version 2.0, 3.0
g1only: exchangeInfo PD only entity version 3.0
TestCases Detail for standard and passthrough
The test case with both DQ spec version 2.0 and 3.0 will match the exchangeInfo_g1, test case with DQ spec version 2.0 will match the exchangeInfo_g0 and test case with DQ spec version 3.0 will match with exchangeInfo_g1only.
case# by scenario#: the test case will match it document id by it mock adapter value (