


The Test Suite design to verify successful functionality of audit event. The AuditQueryLogService is CONNECT internal service storing the audit events in the audit repository and does not have standard or passthrough workflow associated to the service.

Bimodal tests are executed in both (Standard, PassThrough) modes and required JMX enable at the server level for SoapUI to successfully switch between Standard and PassThrough.

Test Cases Detail

The test cases updated audit repository, query AuditQueryLogService and verify successful response with different set of parameters and expected response.

  • QueryAuditEvents TestCase: query the audit repository for audit events by user id, event type, begin date and Home Community ID (HCID).

  • QueryAuditEventsBlob TestCase: query the audit repository for audit message details by audit id.

  • QueryAuditEventsEmptyBlob TestCase: query the audit repository for empty message details by audit id

  • QueryAuditEventsByMessageID TestCase: query the audit repository for audit events by message id

  • QueryAuditEventsByMessageID&RelatesTo TestCase: query the audit repository for audit events by message id and relates to